TPMP: “jester”, “shut your mouth”… the big clash between Cyril Hanouna and LFI deputy Louis Boyard

by time news

Atmosphere to say the least tense during the program “Touche pas à mon poste” this Thursday evening. LFI MP Louis Boyard left the “TPMP” set live after a violent argument with the host of the C8 show, Cyril Hanouna.

At the origin of their pass of arms, a sentence from the left-wing deputy on the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, owner of the channel: “The five richest people are the same ones who impoverish France and Africa. And I will give you the example of Bolloré which deforested Cameroon”, launched the deputy Nupes. The latter referred to the activities of the company Socapalm which produces palm oil in Cameroon and of which Vincent Bolloré is a shareholder.

An evocation that made Cyril Hanouna jump. “You know you’re in the Canal group here? (group belonging to Bolloré)”, then reminded him of the host before asking him what he was “fucking here” and recovering: “You have all the rights here, we have never cut anyone, we are live”.

But after a muscular exchange, the tension was further accentuated, Louis Boyard claiming that Cyril Hanouna had “raised racism” and played the game of Éric Zemmour. Charges that did not please the host. “I have always defended racism (sic)”, he replied in an unwelcome slip. “Go back down three floors Louis Boyard, you’re a deputy but you were a columnist here so calm down”, also launched Cyril Hanouna. “You are irresponsible Cyril”, replied Louis Boyard.

Several insults

The host insulted the deputy several times during the exchange, calling him in particular “moron”, “con” and “jester”. While telling him to “shut up”. Louis Boyard finally left the set to boos from the show’s audience.

“Cyril Hanouna has just insulted me for having criticized Bolloré, owner of his channel. Cyril Hanouna is as irresponsible with freedom of expression as with the far right. France is taking a worrying turn,” Louis Boyard wrote in a tweet posted after the show. The latter has also obtained the support of many Nupes executives on social networks, like the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot, Clémence Guetté or Manuel Bompard.

“This sequence with Louis Boyard is proof that on TPMP we can say everything, and invite everyone”, tweeted the host of the show, believing that the deputy came to make the “buzz” .

Often criticized for his activities in Africa, Vincent Bolloré had paid a fine of 12 million euros in February 2021 to end proceedings following suspicions of corruption in Togo. The weekly L’Obs revealed at the time that the investigating judges had been able to establish that the businessman and his group had paid 370,000 euros in communication expenses to Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé, all to obtain contracts and tax advantages on the port of Lomé.

In addition, 145 Cameroonians are suing the Bolloré group before the French courts in a case involving the conditions of palm oil exploitation in this West African country. In a first decision, the Nanterre court ruled in favor of the Bolloré group, rejecting the plaintiffs’ request to compel the company to provide documents establishing its links with the Société camerounaise de palmeraies Socapalm, which they accuse of violate their rights. Despite this setback, the process continues.

Contacted by the Parisian, neither Cyril Hanouna nor Louis Boyard had responded at the time of publication of this article.

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