TRA CEO: Immediately freeze the rise in the price of raw milk

by time news

The CEO of the Israel Dairy Producers Association, Lior Simcha, wrote a scathing letter to the CEO of Terra
Tal and Zena, in which he wrote: “You are leading to a rise in prices and are working against the other factors in the dairy industry who are working tirelessly for a common goal and for the public.”

In the letter, Simcha writes: “As you know, in recent months we have been working with the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture to freeze the rise in the prices of the products under supervision, despite the rise in world raw material prices.

“During the hectic negotiations, we offered you a number of outlines and solutions with a common goal for the benefit of the public. Among other things, we offered to bear the required economic burden equally, including help with retail profit, lowering the price of raw milk, investment grants and other creative solutions. To the table, rejected by you immediately.

“Throughout, we took the process seriously and matter-of-factly, brought sustainable solutions, and saw before our eyes our commitment to ensuring food security in Israel along with strict price controls. At this time it is the national responsibility of all players in the dairy industry.”

“However,” Simcha adds, “in the face of all the solutions, you stood your ground as a wall and, in my opinion, even insensitive. Your action behind the scenes does not at all correspond to your stated position, which can be defined as populist.”

“You also know that the other players in the dairy industry were willing to reach broad and balanced agreements, in the name of the public interest and in recognition of the expected harm. We are all aware of the size of the hour, but a key player in the industry National: stability and planning horizon. “

Simcha actually responds to a letter sent by Tara to the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance, the Dairy Council and the Cattle Breeders’ Association, which states that in order to prevent the rise in milk prices in Israel, the increase in the price of raw milk must be frozen.

“In light of the recent publications and trending leaks, Tara wants to clarify: it seems that there is no solution in the emerging plan, with its various wordings, that will lead to preventing the increase in the price of dairy products in Israel,” wrote Tara CEO Tal and Zana.

“As is well known, the price of raw milk in Israel is among the highest in the world. In light of this, Tara calls on all parties in the dairy market to act immediately to freeze the rise in raw milk prices, which is the main input of production costs.

“Tara calls on the various regulatory bodies to act for the benefit of the consumer as well as for the benefit of the Israeli agricultural industry, and to immediately freeze the increase in the price of raw milk for the coming years.” “For the benefit of the consumer.”

Another source wrote: “I am convinced that the mobilization of the Dairy Council, the Cattle Breeders’ Association and the various regulatory bodies in favor of freezing the increase in the price of raw milk, will be able to prevent the expected increase in the price of regulated dairy products in general.”

Target stated: “Terra sees Israeli dairy farmers as a national and strategic asset. Terra calls on all partners in the dairy market, including the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture, to do their part so that the price of raw milk does not rise, including support and assistance to dairy farmers, all for the Israeli consumer.”

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