Traces of hydrocarbons and bad taste: massive recall of frozen green beans

by time news

Haro on those green beans! Frozen green beans, sold under three major brands, are subject to a product recall for various reasons, authorities warn on the Rappel Conso website. These products were sold throughout France, in E.Leclerc, Intermarché, Thiriet, Casino, Vival, Spar and other Casino group stores.

The first recall concerns frozen “very fine” green beans under Leclerc’s private label “Marque marque”. There is a “risk of the potential presence of traces of hydrocarbons linked to the harvesting equipment”, which “is accompanied by a characteristic abnormal odor”, specifies the recall notice.

Regarding these green beans, the products were sold between May 23 and November 9 under the barcode 3564700005668. Two lots are concerned (17 2 118 and 17 2 145), with a minimum durability date of April 30, 2024 and May 31, 2024. “Only products bearing the additional code 08 following the barcode are affected by the recall”, it is also specified.

A “risk of organoleptic defect”

The second recall concerns frozen “very fine” green beans of the Top Budget brand, sold at Intermarché between January 26 and November 10, under the barcode 3410280021058. Without specifying whether there is a link between each of these alerts, even if it is very likely, the recall notice indicates a “risk of chemical odor and/or taste on certain products following non-compliance on the harvesting device”.

The third recall concerning green beans are those “very fine” sold at the frozen specialist Thiriet. They have been sold there since January 11, 2022 under the barcode 3292590829315. Lot 171328, whose date of minimum durability is fixed at November 30, 2023. It is reported there, without further details, a “risk of organoleptic defect i.e. the taste may be affected.

Two products concerned at Casino

Two other calls were made on Tuesday concerning two products sold at Casino, Vival, Spar and the other brands of the group. The first is a package of Casino brand frozen “very fine” green beans, sold from July 8 to November 8 under the barcode 3222471397282, the second is a 1.2 kg package of “very fine” green beans Tous les jours brand frozen foods, sold from July 29 to November 8, under the barcode 3700311821796. “This product poses a risk of bad taste”, specify the two recall notices for these products.

For each of these products, consumers are asked not to consume them. They can get a refund from the seller.

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