By 15% the trade deficit in the five months, climbing to 14.42 billion euros, compared to 12.536 billion euros in the corresponding period last year, according to the data announced today by the Hellenic Statistical Authority. The corresponding size without oil products showed an increase of 1.199 billion euros, i.e. 11.9% and the corresponding size without oil products and ships showed an increase of 1.116 billion euros, i.e. 11.1%.

Source: ELSTAT

As it appears from the data of ELSTAT in the period January-May 2024 the imports moved into positive territory, while exports declined.

Imports up – Exports down in May

In particular, the total value of imports during the period January-May 2024 amounted to 35.391 billion euros compared to 34.491 billion euros in the corresponding period last year, recording an increase of 2.6%. The corresponding value without oil products showed an increase of 593.9 million euros, i.e. 2.3%, and the corresponding value without oil products and ships showed an increase of 570.2 million euros, i.e. 2.3%, compared to in the period January-May 2023.

A 4.5% drop was recorded in the total value of exportswhich in the period January-May 2024 fell to 20.971 billion euros compared to 21.95 billion euros during the same period in 2023. The corresponding value without petroleum products showed a drop of 605 million euros, i.e. 3.9% and the corresponding value without oil products and ships showed a decrease of 545.5 million euros, i.e. 3.6%, compared to the period January-May 2023.

The image of May

With regard to May data in particular, the trade deficit recorded a double-digit increase (+13.6%) and reached 3.39 billion euros against 2.985 billion euros ($3,208.2 million) in the same month of 2023. The corresponding value without oil products in May this year showed a decrease in the deficit by 160.4 million euros, i.e. 6.7%, while the corresponding value without oil products and ships showed a decrease of 180.5 million euros, i.e. 7.6% compared to last May.

Imports moved in a positive direction and their value in May 2024 amounted to 7.549 billion euros, compared to 7.068 billion euros in the corresponding month of 2023, showing an increase of 6.8%. The corresponding value without petroleum products during the month of May 2024 showed a decrease of 373.1 million euros, i.e. 6.8%, while the corresponding value without petroleum products and ships during the month of May 2024 showed a decrease of 383.6 million euros. euros, i.e. 7.0%, compared to the month of May 2023.

With a positive sign, exports in May

Exports also moved on an upward trajectory. Their total value in May this year amounted to 4.159 billion euros compared to 4.082.3 billion euros in the corresponding month last year, showing an increase of 1.9%. The corresponding value without oil products showed a decrease of 212.7 million euros, i.e. 6.8%, and the corresponding value without oil products and ships decreased by 203.1 million euros, i.e. 6.5%, compared to last year May.

How exports moved by sector

As the Exporters’ Association (SEVE) notes, at the sectoral level the consistently positive course of food and beverages-tobacco continues, with increases in both sectors, but also in that of the unclassified. In particular, the sector showed an increase of 9.2% food reaching 3.438 billion throughout the period January-May 2024, while the sector of drinks – tobacco reached 570.5 million with an increase of 10.2%. The industry of unclassified products showed a 313% increase reaching 226.1 million euros.

Source: SEVE

On the contrary, a decrease is observed in all other sectors with a downward trend of exports in the oil products sector (6.56 billion, i.e. 4.6%), industrial (2.952 billion, i.e. 10.9%), chemicals ( 2.61 billion, i.e. 4.2%), machinery and vehicles (1.977 billion, i.e. 8.7%), various industrial goods (1.448 billion, i.e. 3.2%), raw materials (735, 8 million, i.e. 5.2%), of fats and oils (452.9 million, i.e. 47.4%).

Source: SEVE

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