Trade fire at shop ..! Fire brigade fought for an hour to control the fire ..!

by time news

The Karachi Pradeshiya Sabha fire brigade has brought the fire under control after a fire broke out at a trade center in Kilinochchi.

A fire broke out at the Xavier shop junction on Kanagapuram Road at 10.30 am today.

The fire was brought under control due to the efforts of the fire brigade of the Karachi Pradeshiya Sabha.

At this time there was a traffic jam on Kanagapuram break road. The area was heavily congested due to overcrowding. Police were on duty to control the congestion.

Together with the fire brigade, the public, traders and Pradeshiya Sabha officials acted swiftly to bring it under control within about 1 hour.

It is suspected that the fire may have been caused by an electrical fault. Kilinochchi police have commenced investigations into the incident.

It is believed that massive damage may have been caused by the fire.

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