traders do not hide their concern, after the announcement of security perimeters

by time news

2023-11-30 19:20:21

If Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez wishes to guarantee the continuation of economic, social and cultural life during the Games, the fact remains that certain roads will be closed to traffic for several days.

«This traffic plan is a repellent to consumption», protests Frank Delvau, while the Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez has just unveiled the first version of the security and traffic perimeters which will be set up around the Olympic and Paralympic sites during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. the president of the Union of hotel trades and industries (Umih) Île-de-France, he will be “way too complicated» for Ile-de-France residents to travel in these areas, while a “exemption will be necessary for them to be able to circulate in Paris». «You will have to prove that you have a reservation at the restaurant, but you will not have the assurance of being able to access it by car or that the nearest metro station will be open.», Continues the professional, who believes that this protocol will discourage more than one from going out to the cafes, bars and restaurants concerned. “Here, we are talking about customers but how will our employees and deliveries be made?», he still wonders.


«Paris will be continuously blocked, this traffic plan is not viable», regrets for his part Philippe Nozière, the president of the 40 million motorists association, before demanding that a “impact study» be carried out in order to assess the relevance of the measure and the solutions to be put in place. Thierry Veron, president of the French Federation of Traders’ Associations (Facap) says “understand that certain roads must be closed for safety reasons“, but thinks that he “the current traffic plan put in place by the City of Paris should be reduced». «How do you get from one side of Place de la Concorde to the other if you can’t take Rue de Rivoli for example?“, asks this merchant representative. If he is not worried that employees will be able to access shops, via public transport or soft mobility, he wonders about the possibility of having deliveries. “To be delivered at night, we must find available carriers but also that our stores remain open, with people who receive the delivery.he advances, anticipating “impossible situations».

Concerns shared by Charles, restaurateur in one of the so-called “blue“. But according to him, the “main unknown» will above all be knowing under what conditions it will be possible to move freely and in what atmosphere. “Will there be security barriers? Will there be law enforcement posted everywhere? Will we have the right to arrange our terraces as we wish?», he says, doubtful about the effect these restricted zones will have on his business. “Will our customers see this as a constraint or will they be happy to be so close to the Olympics?»: so many questions which remain unanswered for the moment, despite all the details provided by the Paris police headquarters. “As they don’t want to compensate us, they tell us “stay open” but we won’t have any customers», anticipates Frank Delvau.

The police headquarters tries to reassure

But Laurent Nuñez wanted to be reassuring, saying “animated at the same time» by envy «to guarantee the highest level of security» et «the pursuit of economic, social and cultural life“. Everything has been thought of so that Parisians can continue to circulate: already because the flow of pedestrians and cyclists will not be affected by these restrictions, and then, because the three gray, red and blue perimeters (from the most restrictive to the least binding) were designed to stick as close as possible to the Olympic sites and encroach as little as possible on public space. Result: only the gray perimeter known as SILT – for internal security and the fight against terrorism – will only be accessible to accredited people or those with a ticket. The others will remain accessible under certain conditions.

Within the perimeter where motorized traffic is prohibited, in the “rouge», Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to access it, as will the categories of people authorized with their vehicle, listed in a table, after a check by the police. In the blue perimeter, access will be authorized to any driver able to justify a need for access, at a crossing point: delivery, breakdown assistance, moving, access to home or work. According to the organizers, the objective is thus “to reduce flows around red perimeters, by diverting transit, passage and crossing traffic upstream, while preserving all flows of residents or those linked to economic activities».

Traffic restriction zones in Paris intramuros. Paris police headquarters

«We wanted to reconcile the imperatives of security and the maintenance of economic and social life», insists Laurent Nuñez, who specifies that a certain number of “exceptions to this road traffic ban rule» were planned. Among them, local residents, catering and hotel professionals, provided that they have a certificate and its associated QR Code, which it will be possible to download on a dedicated platform whose opening is scheduled for spring. The police chief assures that “emergency case» will be handled on a case-by-case basis. And to say: “obviously that the plumber who shows up for a water leak will be able to come by, or that a person showing up to help a 90 year old person who is also unwell».

The “special case” of the opening ceremony

However, the latter does not hide the fact that certain areas around the main Olympic sites, for reasons of assembly and dismantling of the installations, may remain inaccessible for longer. “From March to mid-July, during the site assembly phases» et «from September until the end of October for dismantling“. For example, Place de la Concorde should remain closed from June 1 to September 7. Likewise, the opening ceremony on Friday July 26, in all its exceptional aspects, will appear as a “particular case». «For obvious security reasons, we have chosen a wider red perimeter in which it is essential to secure from Ivry-Charenton to the area around the Pont du Garigliano», Explains the police chief.

Security zones during the Olympic opening ceremony. Paris police headquarters

The system is based on a protection perimeter – SILT perimeter – which includes each of the two banks of the Seine and the streets around the river. Due to the security requirements of the area and the implementation of the final arrangements necessary for the organization of the ceremony, “the security system will be deployed several days before the ceremony“. To access the SILT zone, you will therefore need to be accredited and show your credentials. But “nothing definitive» at this stage, warns the PP, while a “consultation» must be opened to study all the scenarios. A meeting must also be organized at the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry in December with traders and the organizers of the Olympic Games to discuss these subjects. Other files are still under study, like the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games, which will be held at the bottom of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées and on the Place de la Concorde on August 28.


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