Traders Violating Price Reduction Measures for Basic Necessities in Thiès: SOS Consommateurs Calls for Action

by time news

Traders and vendors are not strictly implementing the measures to reduce prices of basic necessities. This observation was made by El Hadji Sirey Bale Diallo, President of the SOS Consommateurs regional branch in Thiès, and his teams.

This observation follows the collection of information made in the field. The deployed agents observed a fall in the price of bread and also in its weight. While for sugar, traders adopt tricks to thwart the measure.

On the ground, Mr. Diallo and his teams were questioned on certain facts. It is the standard 190 gram baguette that is sold at 150 FCFA in bakers, although the weight has been reduced. The head of SOS Consommateurs who is angry with “theThe dishonesty of these bakers ,

As a result, it invites the Labour Inspectorate to carry out a census of all workers in the bakery sector.

As for the Chinese, El Hadji Sirey Bale Diallo condemns “ A certain attitude of shopkeepers, who have their own strategy to not comply with the measure ,

“These shopkeepers refuse to weigh the product and prefer to sell it in smaller quantities, in sachets of 100 FCFA, 50 FCFA and even 25 FCFA. », notes the Consumer Union, which calls on the regional commerce service to take action.

Following the cuts in food products set by the new authorities, the Regional Consumer Council has set the new prices applicable in the three departments of Thiès, Tivaouane and Mbour.

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