Traffic light groups agree on traffic reforms

by time news

2023-10-16 20:29:16

The traffic light groups agreed on important reforms in the transport sector on Monday. On the one hand, this involves faster planning and approval for certain rail and highway projects and the renovation of dilapidated bridges, and on the other hand, an expansion of the truck toll. This was preceded by weeks of negotiations between the government factions of the SPD, Greens and FDP. Draft laws are now expected to be passed by the Bundestag this week. This also includes a reform of road traffic law.

Green Party deputy Julia Verlinden told the German Press Agency that the agreement on the laws on road traffic law, truck tolls and planning acceleration were a “historic turning point for modern, safe and climate-friendly mobility” in Germany. FDP parliamentary group deputy Carina Konrad said: “The years of neglect of our infrastructure have slowed down our citizens and our economy for far too long and are threatening the prosperity of our country.” Motorways, railways and waterways could now be built more quickly.

Dietrich Creutzburg Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 11 Justus Bender and Oliver Georgi Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 152 Mechthild Harting Published/Updated: ,

SPD parliamentary group deputy Detlef Müller said important transport projects should be accelerated, including the urgent renovation of bridges. “I am very pleased that after long, very strenuous and difficult negotiations the breakthrough was achieved today.”

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