Traffic operation for Atlético MG x Rosário Central, this Wednesday (10)

by time news

Belo Horizonte City Hall carries out, this Wednesday (10)the traffic and transport operation for the game Atlético MG x Rosário Central, at Arena MRV, at 7pm.

Agents from the Integrated Traffic Unit (BHTrans, BPTran and Municipal Guard) will monitor traffic in the region, before, during and at the end of the event. Agents will ensure traffic safety conditions and guide pedestrians.

Traffic interventions

– From 8pm on Tuesday (9) Guidance lanes and area reservation signs (no parking) and changes in circulation around the MRV Arena will be implemented to ensure the fluidity of traffic on the day of the event.

The circulation change will be implemented from Ruas Zilka Monteiro Pena, Visconde de Mauá, Nevada, Evangelina Prates, Sebastião Fernandes Brandão in the California neighborhood, from R. Gentil Portugal do Brasil to the entrance of Condomínio Mundi, in the Camargos neighborhood, and also from Ruas Silver and Lilac in the João Pinheiro neighborhood.

Closures will be carried out with access control of residents’ vehicles by Staff/Arena MRV on the roads surrounding the stadium, in the California neighborhood:

– Rua Cristina Maria de Assis between José Cláudio Sanches and Provisória streets;

– Crepúsculo Street between José Cláudio Sanches and Cristina Maria de Assis streets;

– Walfrido Mendes Street between Margarida de Assis Fonseca and Romualdo Cançado Netto streets;

– Rua Romualdo Cançado Netto between streets Augusto Ferreira and Walfrido Mendes;

– Rua Margarida de Assis Fonseca between streets Sebastião Fernandes Brandão and Ernesto Pereira;

– Evangelina Prates Street between Margarida de Assis Fonseca and Nevada streets.

– Depending on the demand for vehicles, an operational reversible lane may be implemented against the flow of the Via Expressa, between the Anel Rodoviário viaduct and Av. Teleférico. This change will occur upon arrival at the stadium, improving traffic flow for those who do not wish to access the MRV Arena and are heading towards Contagem.

Arrival at the Stadium

Vehicles will access the Arena MRV parking lots using the stadium’s access ramp towards Contagem.

Drivers must pay attention to the signs and instructions from the Integrated Traffic Unit Agents, especially with the large number of pedestrians in the region.

A connection will be made (markers and zebra tape) on the right lane of the Via Expressa roadside, towards Belo Horizonte, allowing pedestrians to walk safely from the Eldorado Metro station to Rua Gentil Portugal do Brasil, accessing the stadium via middle of the Massa elevation.

For pedestrians who wish to cross the Via Expressa, an operational traffic light was installed near the staircase, which will only operate during events at the stadium.

Exit from the stadium

– The exit from the stadium, towards Belo Horizonte, will be via the Viaduto da Massa, which 30 minutes before the end of the events, begins to operate in one way towards Camargos, speeding up the exit of vehicles from the parking lot. Circulation returns to normal on the viaduct after all vehicles leave the parking lots;

– A railing will be implemented to ensure pedestrian safety on the Elevado da Massa. In this way, the viaduct will operate with a section for vehicles leaving the parking lot, towards Camargos, and another railed section for pedestrians;

– Depending on vehicle demand, a counterflow operation may be implemented at the exit of the parking lots, allowing vehicles to use the access loop to the stadium in the opposite direction, thus heading towards the central lane of Via Expressa, towards Belo Horizonte. To carry out this contraflow operation with maximum safety, a new traffic light was installed on Via Expressa, in the direction of Contagem, close to the access ramp to the stadium. The equipment will only operate during the departure of events at the stadium, the objective of which is to retain the flow of vehicles towards Contagem, ensuring the safety of those leaving the stadium towards Belo Horizonte.


See below the public transport lines in Belo Horizonte that serve the area around the Arena MRV;

– Line 1509 – California / Tupi

– Line 3053 Barreiro/B Station. Black)

– Line 4031 (Santa Maria/Hospitals)

– Line 4033 (Camargos/Centro)

– Line 9414 (Santa Inês/João Pinheiro)


Take a Taxi to the MRV Arena. More convenience, safety and agility for fans.

Upon arrival at the stadium, all taxi disembarks must be made on Via Expressa, close to the stairs (direction Contagem). To leave the stadium there are two taxi ranks for Atlético fans and one for visiting fans:

Atlético fans:

– Rua José Cláudio Sanches, corner of R. Cristina Maria de Assis, in the California neighborhood;

– Rua João Batista Vieira, between the streets of Ostras and Pérolas, in the Camargos neighborhood.

Visiting fans:

– R. Evangelina Prates between R. Ernesto Pereira and R. Nevada in the California neighborhood


The Eldorado, Cidade Industrial and Vila Oeste stations provide access to the MRV Arena. Choose the Eldorado station, which has a larger structure and the pedestrian path to the MRV Arena, 1.5 km long, will be connected and signposted.

Disabled people

A free service will be provided for access by people with disabilities from the Eldorado Metro station, on Rua dos Bonifácios (Praça Relógio do Sol), to the Arena MRV, on Rua Cristina Maria de Assis, close to gate A and the esplanade.

At the end of the match, boarding will be at Rua R. Cristina Maria de Assis (in front of the Federal Highway Police Union in the State of Minas Gerais) to return to the Eldorado metro.

APP and Carpool Vehicles

Boarding and disembarking of home fans:

● Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek (Fan Square – Staircase).

● Av. Pres. Juscelino Juscelino Kubitscheck on the opposite side of the Plaza Staircase from the fans towards Belo Horizonte.

● Rua Gentil Portugal do Brasil, 55 – Camargos neighborhood.

Boarding and disembarking of visiting fans:

● Av. Ver. Cícero Idelfonso, between Rua Felisberta Camargos and Rua Maria Francisca de Carvalho towards BR-040.

Chartered bus

Chartered buses will have drop-off points at the following locations:

– Rua Zilca Monteiro Pena, between Rua Francisco Teles and Rua Benjamim Jose dos Santos, in the California neighborhood;

– Rua Walfrido Mendes between Rua Margarida de Assis Fonseca and Rua Romualdo Cançado Neto, in the California neighborhood.


Arena MRV offers 120 bicycle parking spaces in the covered parking lot at Arena MRV.

MRV Arena Connection

Arena MRV will provide an executive bus service – Conexão Arena MRV – which will serve several regions of the capital.


Access to the 2,150 parking spaces must be done only via Via Expressa and with advanced purchase.

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