traffic will be “very severely disrupted” on Tuesday, announce SNCF and RATP

by time news

Public transport traffic will once again be severely disrupted on Tuesday, March 7, due to another day of union mobilization against the government’s pension reform plan, according to traffic forecasts published on Sunday. The trade unions are unanimously calling for a new day of mobilization and threatening to put France on hold to prevent the adoption of the government’s pension reform project, which is currently being examined in the Senate.

The SNCF, as part of a strike notice beginning Monday at 7 p.m., said in a press release that the circulation of trains would be “very disturbed” Tuesday and recommended to travelers who can cancel or postpone their trips and to favor teleworking.

The traffic will be “seriously disrupted on all lines operated by SNCF Voyageurs”, with one train out of five on average for the TGV Inoui and Ouigo as well as for the TER. The company also plans an almost total interruption of Intercités traffic. Thalys and Eurostar are also concerned, according to the SNCF, of which all the unions have called for a renewable strike movement. “If possible, we recommend that you cancel or postpone your trips planned for this day”recommends the company.

Parisian transport also severely disrupted

For its part, the RATP also plans “very disrupted traffic on the RER and metro networks”, as well as for Parisian buses and trams. The Régie des transports parisiens is also counting on numerous disruptions, with in particular between one metro in four and two in three depending on the lines, with for some traffic only at rush hour.

Traffic information for the day of Wednesday March 8 will be communicated Monday March 6 at the end of the day, specifies the company. In the meantime, the RATP “invites all travelers who have the possibility to favor teleworking or to postpone their trips on the network that day and [leur] apologizes for the planned transport conditions. »

In the air, disturbances too

The General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has also asked airlines to reduce their flights by 20% at Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport and by 30% at Paris-Orly for the days of the 7 and March 8 in anticipation of social movements. It also recommends that travelers postpone their trips for these two days.

Some unions, such as the CGT Mines et Énergie (FNME-CGT), have already started a renewable strike on Friday and anticipate a “black week” In France. Truckers are calling for work to stop on Sunday evening.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: unions raise their voices and predict a “dark day” on March 7

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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