Tragedy: 31-year-old Rosh Kolal collapsed and died

by time news

A grave tragedy in the Torah community in Afula: the late Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen, a young man from the community, died after suddenly collapsing in his home. He left orphans, including a three-week-old baby. His funeral tonight at midnight at the new cemetery in Elad

Baruch Dayan the truth: a difficult and terrible tragedy tonight in the ultra-Orthodox community in Afula with the sudden passing of the late Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen of the ultra-Orthodox community who collapsed today in the street and is only 31 years old.

The late deceased was born in Bnei Brak at Tevat Hospital 5791 to his father, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Cohen, and his mother, Mrs. Hanna Shethai.

By choice, he studied at the Yeshiva for young people ‘Blessing of the Torah’ in Bnei Brak and the ‘Blessing of Yitzhak’ yeshiva in Or Yehuda, after his marriage with his wife Shathai to the home of the Grossman family from Modi’in Illit, they moved to live in the ultra-Orthodox community in Afula where they built their home on the foundations of the Torah and reverence.

In Afula, he established a Kirov Midrash and served as the head of the evening with real dedication. He was active for the sake of the Torah and to keep abrach every month in his month.

‘Bachderi Haredim’ learned that today he said that he did not feel well, a few hours later he collapsed and the rescue forces and the Netan team who were called to his home performed prolonged resuscitation operations on him, but to protect his heart they had to pronounce him dead.

In the ultra-orthodox community, which is a young community of abrakhs, they refuse to digest the hard news that Rabbi Shaya was and is suddenly gone.

He left behind his wife Shathai’ and his children, including a little baby only three weeks old.

The funeral procession tonight at 21:45 from his home at 25 Connecticut St. in Givat HaMora in Afula and at 12:30 at night at the New Life House in Elad, where Yeatman is.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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