Tragedy at home and garden: a two-year-old did not wake up from her sleep. At Shaare Tzedek they had to determine her death

by time news

A two-year-old toddler did not wake up from her sleep – the doctors at Shaare Zedek had to pronounce her dead.

Many rescue teams were called to the Beit Vagan neighborhood this morning, due to a report of a toddler who did not wake up from her sleep. The paramedics and medics performed CPR on the toddler and rushed her to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, but the doctors pronounced her dead at the hospital.

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Shmuel Adler and Nathanael Eisenkot, volunteers of the “Rescue Team”, say: “When we arrived at the scene, they handed us a toddler about one and a half years old without a pulse and breathing. With the help of other MDA medics and paramedics, we performed advanced resuscitation operations on her, which included heart massages, respirations and the administration of life-saving drugs, until To the arrival of the MDA ATN team that evacuates her as she is in a critical and unstable condition, while CPR is being performed to the shock room in Shaare Zedek.”

Roi Shmuel, a medic from Ihud Hatzela, said: “With the help of other medics, we performed CPR on the toddler and we were told by family members that she did not wake up from her sleep. After that, she was referred to Shaare Zedek Hospital, while continuing CPR operations in critical condition. The resilience teams of the Ihud Hatzela Mental First Aid Unit They acted on the spot due to the nature of the event.”

The Shaare Zedek Medical Center reported: “A two-year-old toddler was brought to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center this morning while undergoing prolonged CPR after she did not wake up from her sleep at home. The staff of the Children’s Emergency Medicine Department continued their resuscitation efforts, but unfortunately they had to pronounce her dead. We share in the family’s deep sorrow. A social and support team continues to accompany the family.”

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