Tragedy in BB: a 16-year-old lost consciousness and died

by time news

The late 16-year-old Shlomo Efrati from Bnei Brak lost consciousness at his family’s house where he was staying, he was taken while being resuscitated to Ma’eini Yishua hospital where the doctors had to pronounce him dead. His funeral will take place this evening at Beit Chaim in Elad

The Shabbat tragedy in Bnei Brak: The late Shlomo Efrati, only 16 years old, suddenly lost consciousness on Shabbat morning and was taken to the hospital while being resuscitated.

At the ‘Meyani Hashua’ hospital in Bnei Brak, the doctors had to determine his death to protect the hearts of the family members.

The late deceased is the son of Rabbi Boaz Efrati of Delhata, from Shemaya Street in the city, and of the Habrachs in Kollel Beit Hillel.

In the ultra-Orthodox rooms, it was learned that his parents spent the Sabbath in Moshav Tifrah in the south, alongside their son, who is studying there. The late son Shlomo was staying with family members in the city where, as mentioned, he suddenly lost consciousness and died of a heart attack.

His parents only found out about it on Saturday night. Zaka Tel Aviv volunteers stand by the family’s side from the morning hours and help with whatever is needed.

His funeral will take place tonight, Shabbat night, with a funeral service at 12:00 at Beit Ha’ayim in Elad, Shem Yatman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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