Tragedy: Missing Abia Koffman was found lifeless

by time news

Knitted news30.10.22 20:16 Lord in Hashvan you will shine

Tragedy: Missing Abia Koffman was found lifeless

Missing Abia Kofman, a 14-year-old girl at risk who went missing after leaving her home in Efrat yesterday (Saturday), was found dead.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of her father, the late Broria Kofman,” wrote the head of the Efrat Council, Oded Ravibi, on Facebook. “Details on the date of the funeral will follow. Participating in the family’s grief.”

As a reminder, earlier today the Israel Police announced that it is asking for the public’s help in its search for her missing father Boruria Kofman, a 14-year-old at-risk girl living in Efrat.

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She was last seen in the settlement of Efrat at 14:00, when she left her house.

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1 comment

Annette Schwarz November 1, 2022 - 11:09 am

It’s a girl Abia Bruria Kofman that was found dead, not the father.


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