Tragedy: Ort Motzkin’s legendary manager was killed in a car accident

by time news

Marga Segal, the former director of the Ort Motzkin Educational Kiryat, was killed yesterday (Tuesday) in a car accident at the Bari junction in the south. Segal went on a cycling trip in the Negev yesterday, at the end of which she joined as a passenger the vehicle that was involved in the fatal accident

Published on: 15.2.23 12:13

Marga Segal (72), the former director of the Ort Motzkin Educational Kiryat, was killed yesterday (Tuesday) in a car accident at the Bari junction in the south.

The chairman of the opposition in the city council, Zvi (Tsiki) Avisher, paid tribute to Segal: “It was with sadness and shock that I received the news about the untimely death of my friend and good neighbor Marga Segal. I feel the pain of her children and grandchildren who lost a rare mother and grandmother. Educator and director of the Municipal Education Kiryat in the past, who was and remains an eternal flower girl, a hippie, who did not let any frame confine her or define her. Since her retirement, Marga has lived an active and sporty life in Israel and abroad. Younger people than her had a hard time keeping up with her fast pension. In recent years, she advised me in the fields of education and took an active part in a new spirit movement in Motzkin. Her wise advice, good energy, joie de vivre, cheerfulness and colorfulness will be greatly missed Me too, but they are also a source of comfort and a legacy that will continue to resonate. May the memory of Marga Segal be blessed.”

The late Marga Segal (photo from the Facebook page)

As far as is known, Segal went on a cycling trip in Bari in the south yesterday. At the end of the ride, she joined as a passenger the vehicle, which was involved in the fatal accident.

The Police Spokesperson (Negev Region) issued the following message yesterday afternoon: “The Israel Police received a report about a car accident involving two vehicles on Route 232 at the Bari Junction. According to medical officials, one person was seriously injured and one was moderately injured at the scene. A car accident examiner from the Negev Region has opened an investigation into the circumstances of the accident “.

Segal, who was seriously injured in the accident, died on the way to the hospital.

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Marga Segal, one of the more recognizable characters in Kiryat in general and Kiryat Motzkin in particular, graduated from the Technion in Industrial Engineering and Management. She stood out for her volunteering in the Akim and Etigam associations, and was one of the founders of the Ort Motzkin Education Kiryat, which, as mentioned, she managed for many years.

Mayor of Kiryat Motzkin Haim Tzuri: “I received with sadness the news of the tragic and sudden death of Marga Segal, former director of the Ort Municipal Education Kiryat. Marga was an educator known and appreciated by the residents of Kiryat Motzkin. May her memory be blessed.”

Eyal Oren, director of the education department: “Marga served for years as the director of Yonatan Middle School and the director of Kiryat Education. The news of her death fell on us like thunder on a clear day. It is a great loss, my heart goes out to the family.”

No announcement has yet been made regarding the date of the funeral.

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