Tragedy: The Blessed Rabbi Friedman died at the cost of his life

by time news

The late Rabbi R. Mordechai Friedman, one of the most important and proud followers of Belza in Jerusalem, died at Shaare Zedek Hospital after he suddenly collapsed a few weeks ago, and he is only 47 years old at his death. His funeral this afternoon in Jerusalem

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: From Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem this morning (Wednesday) came the sad and sad news of the death of the late Rabbi R. Mordechai Friedman, one of the most important and glorious followers of Belza in Jerusalem, after he suddenly collapsed several weeks ago and received Stroke and he is only 47 years old at the time of his death.

The late deceased was born in Jerusalem on the 24th of Av 5734 to his father, the late Rabbi Avraham Aharon Friedman, one of the most important followers of Belza. His father was the well-known contractor in Jerusalem who built many projects.

Rabbi Mordechai grew up and was educated at the Belza Chassidim institutions in Jerusalem, at Hyder in a yeshiva for young people and later at a large yeshiva of the Belza Chassidim on Agrippa Street.

After his marriage to his wife, Shachi, the daughter of Yavalha, Rabbi Chaim Greenbaum, he entered the Dahsidi Belza Kollel, where he continued to study until his death for half a day.

His acquaintances tell Behadrei Haredim about the late deceased: The Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Kowalski.

I will bless a special wise student who is humble and humble, did not stand out, a gentle student did not really hurt anyone and did not say a bad word about others, no one can say he was hurt by him, a precious man of many and noble virtues. “

He left behind an honest generation that will bless sons and sons-in-law, including children who were not allowed to enter the canopy and bar mitzvah, one of his brothers is Rabbi Yonah Friedman from Jerusalem.

His funeral will take place today, Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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