Tragedy: the late Israel Gershoni died of the disease

by time news

The important young man Yisrael Gershoni, late of Modi’in Illit and a student of the ‘Etar Shlomo’ yeshiva in Rishon Lezion, who passed away at the age of 18 after suffering from a severe and terrible disease, has passed away. His funeral was even before Shabbat.

Baruch Dayan the truth: after a serious illness, the late Shlomo Gershoni of the “Etret Shlomo” yeshiva in Rishon Lezion and a resident of the Barchfeld neighborhood in Modi’in Illit passed away. The late Shlomo passed away after suffering from a serious and terrible illness and he was only 18 years old at the time of his death.

A few years ago, Lea fell ill with a terrible disease and he has already recovered by the grace of God, but the severe disease returned and took root in his body. Many prayed for the healing of Chaim Shlomo ben Bila Chaya, but for the protection of his heart, today, on the eve of Shabbat, the holy day of Parashat Zakor, he collapsed in his home and returned his pure soul to its maker in his home in Berchfeld .

The late deceased was born to his father, Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Gershoni Shivlahta, and to his mother, Martha Bila Chaya Shathai, daughter of Rabbi Zvi Weber, a member of the Shaarit Yisrael Jewish Community and rabbi of the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood in Jerusalem.

By choice, he studied at the Yeshiva for young people ‘Hamad Moshe’ in Rabbi Pappenheim’s Kiryat Sefer and in a large yeshiva he went to the ‘Etarat Shlomo’ yeshiva in Kiryat Hashishiva in Rishon Lezion, where he was beloved by his elders, the leaders of the yeshiva and his friends. .

His many friends from Class B are having a hard time digesting the difficult and terrible news of the death of their close friend. His friends tell about a guy who worked for God, that all he was interested in was Torah and Halacha, he was very knowledgeable about customs and piyot. His many friends devoted themselves to him and stayed with Meninin during terrible days at Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer.

His funeral left on Friday evening Holy Shabbat from his home on Yehezkel St. 5 Modi’in Elit through the exit station from the city, and at 4:00 PM from the funeral home from Jerusalem to the Mount of Repose there Yeatman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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