Tragedy: The late Shimon Meir Darshan drowned in Netanya

by time news

After fighting for his life for the past two weeks, the important young man Shimon Meir Darshan, late of Bnei Brak, a student of Knesset Yitzchak Yeshiva, Modi’in Illit, passed away tonight. He is only 19 years old.

Tragedy between the ages: The important young man Shimon Meir Darshan, late of Bnei Brak, a student of the ‘Knesset Yitzchak’ yeshiva in Modi’in Illit, who drowned two weeks ago at the ultra-Orthodox beach in Netanya, has passed away. He was only 19 years old.

On Monday the 18th of Av in the evening he drowned near the separate beach in Netanya and was pulled from the water while unconscious. The MDA and Rescue Union teams performed advanced resuscitation operations on him and in the end he was taken in a critical condition to Laniado Hospital in Kiryat Sanz in the city. Many prayed and tore open the gates of heaven for the healing of Shimon Meir ben Adina Hadova, for two weeks he was sedated and ventilated in a very difficult condition and tonight he returned his soul to its creator.

The late Shimon Meir was born in Bnei Brak in 2007 5644, to his parents Rabbi Avitar Menachem Darshan Shilbachta, one of the scholars of the Habarach in Bnei Brak, the son of Rabbi Eliyahu HaCohen Darshan Shibelhata, one of the scholars dealing with public needs in Petah Tikva, and his mother Mrs. Adina Hadova Shathai’ nee Shilian, who live on Gra Street in Bnei Brak.

In a small yeshiva, he studied at the yeshiva for young people in Slavodka, he studied by choice at the large yeshiva ‘Knesset Yitzchak’ in Modi’in Illit, where he rose and excelled in the virtues of the Torah and awe and was a son of Aliya Torah and God-fearing who adhered to the Torah with all his might even during his lunch break, devoted time to study, was meticulous in the mitzvot and between man and his fellow man.

Elia Shaar, a senior medic at the Rescue Union said after the drowning: “With the help of citizens, I pulled the young man out of the water and began to perform CPR on him. Additional medics who arrived in the SUV of the Rescue Union continued the resuscitation operations, during which, miraculously, a heartbeat returned.” Amos, Arbiv, another medic of the Rescue Union who also participated in the resuscitation operations, said: “After his pulse returned, he was directed to continue receiving medical treatment at the nearby Laniado Hospital, at which point his condition is considered serious.”

As mentioned, this evening he returned his soul to its creator at the Laniado Medical Center in Kiryat Sanz in Netanya for the protection of the hearts of his family and friends.

We will update you on the date of the funeral journey tonight in ‘Ba Haderi Haredim’.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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