Tragedy: The young midwife died a day after the joy of her white covenant

by time news

Among the Egyptians: Seven small children, including an eight-day-old baby who has not yet gotten to know his mother, were left orphaned, after their mother, Mrs. Malka Schweizer, died after a sudden complication at birth.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: From the hospital in Antwerp, Belgium, comes the sad news of the death of the important and young woman Mrs. Malka Schweizer, who died a day after the joy of the White Covenant after a complication in the birth of her young son and she is 33 years old at her death.

Malka A.H. is the daughter of Yavalha Rabbi R. Zosha Henshtatter Mikiri and important followers of Belza in Antwerp and a famous educator in the city.

As a child, the Jerusalem Girls’ School studied Dahsidi Belza in Antwerp. Bunt

Together they built their house on the foundations of the Torah and Hasidism, and for a living she engaged in interior design of houses.

Exactly one week ago, her little son was born at a good time in a hospital in Antwerp, Belgium. However, following a sudden complication during the birth, the mother was hospitalized in a critical condition and many cried out in prayer for the healing of Malka Bat Freida.

Yesterday (Tuesday) the baby entered into the covenant of our father Abraham at a good time, and the rejoicing took place in a small number in the intensive care unit of Sint Augustinus Hospital in Antwerp, where the mother was hospitalized.

An eye was not left as dry as usual, the covenant squeezed tears from the eyes of the participants along with Elijah the prophet prayed during the covenant for the mother’s healing. The Mira Datra Gaon Rabbi Aharon Schiff, Rabbi of Antwerp, served as godfather and the little baby was named ‘Shalom’.

Behadrei Haredim learned that the covenant was held at the hospital on the instructions of the Rebbe of Belza, strengthening rallies for her complete healing and many received strengthening receipts for her healing, but unfortunately this morning she returned her soul to its creator, leaving behind seven orphaned children.

We will continue to be updated on the date of the funeral procession in “Behadrei Haredim.”

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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