Tragic Incident in Muckendorf: Mother and Two Young Daughters Found Dead

by time news

What happened on this Wednesday in the quiet Johann-Strauß-Gasse? A five-year-old and an eight-year-old girl were found dead along with their 29-year-old mother. Muckendorf, the Tullnerfeld municipality with 2,100 residents, is in a state of emergency due to the tragedy.

A handgun was secured at the crime scene, which the 29-year-old had legally owned. Investigations are ongoing in all directions, including whether health problems could have played a role, says Stefan Pfandler, head of the Lower Austria State Criminal Police, on site.

Currently, there are “no concrete indications of other involved persons.” However, one should not rule out such a scenario “at this early stage.” A determination of the shooting hand could provide clarification, but findings from this might take several days.

Report likely not available for several weeks

Further interviews are still pending. “We need to piece the puzzle together,” stated Pfandler. It would be “too early and unserious” to commit to one variant. The results of a toxicological examination are also pending. This expertise should show whether anything had been administered to the two girls. Pfandler announced that the report is not expected for several weeks.

On Thursday, crime scene work continued. Until now, it had mainly focused on the immediate crime area, but now other rooms in the residence were also examined.

The two girls and their mother were discovered on Wednesday around 3:00 PM by the children’s father. Numerous emergency services were alerted, and the crime scene team and officers from the State Criminal Police’s department for body and life conducted investigations through the night hours.

Explanations for the inexplicable

There has been a state of shock in the area since Wednesday evening. The neighborhood is trying to explain the inexplicable. It is rumored that the 29-year-old, who was said to have worked in healthcare, had mental health issues, and there are mentions of a previous rescue operation.

“Everyone is shocked; really, no one is surprised,” is heard in whispers. When they saw the blue lights in front of the house, residents already suspected the worst. That the children also had to die – incomprehensible for the local community. This was also the case for Mayor Harald Germann, who, in an initial phone call, appeared shaken and on the verge of tears.

Help in crises

These crisis hotlines & emergency numbers are available 24/7 for individuals with suicidal thoughts, those worried about others, and those who have lost close ones to suicide:


Women’s helpline against violence
Information, assistance, relief, and empowerment – even in acute situations.
Tel.: 0800 222 555
Daily 0 – 24 hours

Lower Austria Women’s Telephone

Help with psychological, social, legal, health-related, and economic questions
Tel.: 0800 800 810
Mon – Thu 9 – 12 hours

Suicidal thoughts

Telephone counseling
Advice for people in difficult life situations and crises
Tel.: 142 (emergency call)
Daily 0 – 24 hours

Please Live
Specifically aimed at children and adolescents


Children’s emergency phone
Telephone counseling for children in acute crises and conflicts
0800 567 567
Daily 0 – 24 hours

Advice on the Line
Anonymous counseling for children and adolescents
Tel.: 147
Daily 0 – 24 hours


Men’s emergency call
Help for men in crisis and violence situations
0800 246 247
Daily 0 – 24 hours

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