Tragic Incident in Venice Claims Life of Count Marco Celio Passi, Grand Prior of the Order of Malta

by time news

It is Count Marco Celio Passi, Grand Chancellor of the Grand Priory of Lombardy of the Order of Malta, the 45-year-old man who died due to the collision of a boat with a “briccola” in the lagoon of Venice. Next to him when the fiberglass boat, a topa in Venetian, collided with the mooring pole at night, was a woman, D.J., a 42-year-old of French origin, who was seriously injured, with multiple fractures to her lower limbs and pelvis.

The Incident

The fire brigade intervened following the report of a drifting vessel, which was spinning in front of Sacca Fisola island. Two lagoon fire engines, the maritime boat of Marittima, and divers from Vicenza rushed to the scene. The firefighters managed to board and regain control of the boat, discovering two people inside. First aid was provided, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation efforts on the man, until the arrival of the medical team from Suem, who could only confirm his death. The woman was transferred to the hospital by hydro-ambulance. The personnel then conducted a search of the area to rule out the involvement of other vessels.

The Victim

“He was always smiling and helpful,” say his acquaintances. At the top of the Order of Knights of Malta, Count Passi – in addition to his role in the Priory at Castello – in San Polo, where he resided, was the delegate of the Tiepolo Passi palace, overlooking the Grand Canal in the San Silvestro area. Volunteer work in the order occupied much of Marco Passi’s life, who dedicated himself to his role in this organization devoted to rescue and helping pilgrims. He leaves behind a wife and two small children.

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