Tragic Loss: Dimi Georgiou Passes Away at 39, Leaving Family and Friends Heartbroken

by time news

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<p>Hard times are being experienced by the partner and close friends of Demy Georgiou, who were also her family, following her sudden death.</p>

<p>Demy Georgiou passed away on Monday morning at the age of just 39, after suffering from a bacterial infection in Paros.</p>

<p>Demy Georgiou, who was currently working in a restaurant in Paros, experienced some bacterial infection and collapsed on Saturday. It was immediately deemed necessary to transfer her to Athens, which was done. She was hospitalized at the General State Hospital of Nikaia, where she was intubated. Unfortunately, she did not make it.</p>
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<p>Her partner, Marianna Xyromeriti, with whom she was planning to marry in two months, spoke on the show “Summer’s Cool” with Isidoros Fikaras, pleading for discretion.</p>

<h2>The statement from Demy Georgiou's partner</h2>

<p>“We thank you warmly for the unwavering interest and love you show towards Demy Georgiou. We kindly ask for the necessary discretion towards the deceased and her relatives, as the moments we are going through are difficult and extremely personal,” stated Demy's partner in a statement on SKAI's show “Summer’s Cool.”</p>
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<h2>Demy Georgiou's friend: “We will have her wedding party at her funeral”</h2>

<p>Isidoros Fikaras, a journalist on the show “Summer’s Cool” and a friend of Demy, emotionally commented on the unexpected loss of the chef, stating that Demy and her partner had a restaurant in Paros in recent months. On Saturday night, after overexertion and an infection she didn't realize she had, she lost consciousness as she had not gone to the restaurant due to her fatigue.</p>
<div class="inline-ad-wrapper"><p><span>THE ARTICLE CONTINUES AFTER THE ADVERTISEMENT</span></p></div>
<p>Demy’s close friend, Andriana Manetta, also spoke on the show, who was to be the maid of honor at her wedding in September.</p>

<p>“She had a germ, complained of fatigue, didn’t feel her limbs and was taking some simple medication, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatories; she was a bit scared and had arranged to undergo tests today.</p>

<p>On Saturday evening, she informed that she was not feeling well and had sent a message to her other maid of honor saying that if she closed her eyes, she would leave, at which point we understood the seriousness of the situation and they closed the shop earlier, and her partner went home, found her without pulse, and they revived her with a defibrillator, after which she was in a coma. By the time the helicopter brought her to Athens, she was in a comatose state and in high shock.”</p>

<p>She pointed out that many hours were lost as a helicopter was not found immediately, but only yesterday morning.</p>
<div class="inline-ad-wrapper"><p><span>THE ARTICLE CONTINUES AFTER THE ADVERTISEMENT</span></p>
<p>“The infection had progressed to all organs; they left us with no choice, telling us to be there because she could pass at any moment,” she added.</p>

<p>Andriana Manetta described Demy Georgiou as a good soul, “sensitive, generous; her dream was the restaurant in Paros; she envisioned her wedding in September. She loved animals and enjoyed cooking not as a business, but as hospitality. Everything she achieved, she achieved on her own. She was very giving; we are very proud of her.”</p>

<p>Deeply moved, she stated that “as friends, we will do what Demy wanted, and her wedding party will be a memorial,” adding that this way, they will honor her memory and clarifying that her funeral will take place in Athens.</p>
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