Tragic Loss: Renowned Maxillofacial Surgeon Luigi Califano Passes Away at 65

by time news

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            <p>Califano, respected and well-known maxillofacial surgeon, was 65 years old: he died suddenly while he was on the island of Ischia. Many expressions of condolences have been expressed.</p>


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 <p>Mourning in the world of Medicine in Naples: Doctor <strong>Luigi Califano</strong>, head of the Policlinico and professor of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Federico II University, has died. Califano, who was indeed a well-regarded and renowned maxillofacial surgeon, was 65 years old: according to reports, he died suddenly last night while he was <strong>on the island of Ischia</strong>. In the last elections, Luigi Califano had run for the Rectorate of Federico II, defeated by the current rector <strong>Matteo Lorito</strong>; Califano was also the president of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery.</p>
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 <h2>Condolences for the death of Luigi Califano</h2> 
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<p>Rector Lorito, in a statement, expressed the condolences of the entire Federico II University for the death of the esteemed doctor:</p>
 <blockquote><p>With immense sorrow, I must unfortunately announce the sudden death of Professor Luigi Califano. The entire university stands beside Luigi's family. We are all shocked and incredulous at this enormous and irreplaceable loss, not only for Federico II but also for the city, for the scientific community. For several years, Luigi and I met regularly and collaborated for the benefit of our University and his beloved School of Medicine and Surgery, of which he was President, with always pleasant meetings.</p></blockquote> <p>The note from Federico II continues:</p>

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        <span class="ra__inner-title">From Kuwait to Naples to undergo surgery: 7-year-old boy cured of a severe malformation</span>

 <blockquote><p>We lose a highly appreciated colleague for his commitment and great generosity, as well as a professor adored by students and many colleagues and collaborators. This loss throws us into a human and academic drama for which we were unprepared. On behalf of the entire Federico community, I send a hug to all his relatives and to all those who knew him and appreciated his extraordinary professional and human qualities.</p></blockquote>
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<p>On X (formerly Twitter), the mayor of Naples <strong>Gaetano Manfredi</strong> also joined in the mourning, who, in his career, was also a rector of the Federico II University. "We have lost Luigi Califano, director of the Neuroscience and Reproductive and Odontostomatological Sciences Department at Federico II. A great doctor, a wonderful person, and a dear friend. So much commitment in his work, always with a smile. His memory will remain indelible," wrote the Neapolitan mayor.</p> 

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