Tragic Loss: Renowned Maxillofacial Surgeon Luigi Califano Passes Away at 65

by time news

Mourning in the Neapolitan academic world. Luigi Califano has passed away at the age of 65, professor of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Department of Neurological, Reproductive, and Odontostomatological Sciences at Federico II University. He suffered a sudden illness on the island of Ischia, at his villa in Panza.

According to early reports, Califano was found dead at home by a friend, also a doctor, this morning.

Head of the Federico II Polyclinic in Naples, he was a candidate for the Rectorship of Unina in the last elections, narrowly losing to Matteo Lorito.

President of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery – Sicmf, Califano was a well-known and respected doctor among colleagues and patients. His career was marked by significant professional successes.


«With immense sadness, I unfortunately have to announce the sudden death of Professor Luigi Califano. The entire University community stands in solidarity with Luigi’s family. We are all shocked and incredulous at this huge and irreplaceable loss, not only for Federico II but also for the city and the scientific community. For several years, I regularly met with Luigi, and we collaborated for the good of our University and his beloved School of Medicine and Surgery, of which he was President, always having pleasant meetings». This is written in a note by the rector of the “Federico II” University of Naples, Matteo Lorito.

«We are losing a highly appreciated colleague for his commitment and great generosity, as well as – he adds – a professor adored by students and many colleagues and collaborators. This loss thrusts us into a human and academic drama for which we were unprepared. On behalf of the entire Federico community, I send a hug to all his relatives and to everyone who knew him and appreciated his extraordinary professional and human qualities».


«The passing of Luigi Califano is a significant loss for the academic and scientific community – comments the rector of Vanvitelli University, Gianfranco Nicoletti – but for me, it is primarily the loss of a true friend to whom I was deeply attached. Besides being a respected professional who held important academic roles, Luigi was a kind and generous man. A man who never held back in his work and in life».

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