Tragic Misdiagnosis: Young Father Dies from Brain Tumor Mistaken as Appendicitis

by time news

Title: Medical Misdiagnosis Leads to Death of Young Father

Publication Date: Sep. 28, 2023, 8:29 a.m. ET

By Brooke Steinberg

A tragic medical misdiagnosis has resulted in the death of a young father, Joshua Warner, at the age of 25. Warner was misdiagnosed with appendicitis by doctors who failed to identify a brain tumor that was the actual cause of his symptoms.

Warner had been experiencing severe headaches and nausea for two weeks before seeking medical attention. After visiting the hospital, he underwent a CT scan, which erroneously led doctors to diagnose him with appendicitis, despite the absence of stomach pain. As a result, Warner was admitted for surgery to remove his appendix.

However, shortly after returning home from the surgery, Warner’s condition did not improve, and he was readmitted to the hospital. Another CT scan revealed an anomaly in his brain, but doctors dismissed it as a computer error and released him once again. Warner continued to experience setbacks, repeatedly seeking medical assistance, only to be turned away.

Tragically, Warner collapsed in his grandparents’ bathroom and was rushed to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the UK, where a subsequent scan confirmed the presence of a large brain tumor. The tumor had spread from the right side of his brain to the back and brain stem. Warner was then moved to the oncology ward, where a biopsy on September 5 confirmed he had midline glioma, an aggressive brain cancer with a bleak average life expectancy of less than a year.

Despite being given just three months to live, Warner passed away a mere 12 days after his diagnosis at the Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice. Described as kind-hearted, loving, and full of humor, Warner’s family and friends mourn his loss and remember him as an incredible father, son, and brother.

In an effort to prevent others from experiencing a similar misdiagnosis, Warner had actively worked with brain tumor research during his battle with cancer. Through his story, he hoped to raise awareness about the symptoms of brain tumors and ensure that others would be believed when seeking medical help.

A crowdfunding page was set up, raising approximately $24,500 to support Warner’s treatment. Following his passing, the funds will now be transferred to a trust fund for his four-year-old son, Andrew, serving as a lasting legacy of Warner’s love for his child.

While the cause of Warner’s death is clear to his family, a medical examiner has reported the case to the coroner’s office to investigate any potential missed opportunities in his diagnosis and treatment. Warner’s family intends to file a complaint against the hospital that repeatedly turned him away. The Darent Valley Hospital and Gravesham NHS Trust, where Warner sought help multiple times, have stated that they are examining the case.

The tragic death of Joshua Warner highlights the importance of accurate and timely diagnoses in healthcare, as well as the need for improved awareness and understanding of brain tumor symptoms. Warner’s story serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences that can result from medical misdiagnoses, and his legacy will continue to inspire efforts to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

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