Training, employment… Switch to master mode!

by time news

After their bachelor, BUT or license, students rush to the door of the masters. A movement that successive crises only accentuate… and places are becoming more and more difficult to obtain.

Our special file Bac+5: Masters, Specialized Masters, MBA… available this Wednesday, December 7 at your newsagent in the newspaper Le Parisien / Today in France and on our website will allow you to better know these diplomas , trends to better guide you for next year.

Contents of the special Masters – Le Parisien Etudiant – Wednesday, December 8

  • Professions. To improve their carbon footprint or their social responsibility, companies expect a lot from young graduates. : a great need for skills at all levels.
  • Formation Bac+5 : the hour of ecological transition has come – To respond to the climate emergency, you still need to be trained. In all disciplines, a wave of new masters is breaking out.
  • How to be sure that a training meets our quest for impact ? 3 questions to Dominique Sciamma Director of CY School of Design, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
  • Recruitment : how to avoid greenwashing? The commitment and advice of Emma Carré, a graduate of IMT BS CSR & Quality Project Manager, Recommerce Group
  • Decryption. M1, M2, MSc, MS, MBA… what are the differences and advantages of all these diplomas – we tell you everything!
  • Inscriptions. The 4 keys to a good admission file. Depending on the course you are aiming for, you will have to submit your application to a jury. Put all the chances on your side.
  • Université. A single platform for submitting your Master’s registration requests will (finally) open in February!
  • Stays abroad are back! Yes, students always have ants in their legs. And the master’s is often the right time to discover other countries in which to settle.
  • The international volunteering in business (VIE): a good solution for expatriation.

Also consult our special Masters section for more information, and all of our special guides in PDF format to leaf through in our kiosk. To contact us: a single address [email protected]. See you soon… at the beginning of January for our next special “Alternance” guide.

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