Trans deputy calls Martí Batres an ‘ignorant male who stigmatizes’ for ongoing attacks

by times news cr

2024-04-06 21:30:36

The trans representative, María Clemente García (Morena) reproached the boss of substitute Government, Martí Batres, his statements after the attacks he suffered in the capital’s Zócalo during the march for the International Day of Trans Visibility.

From the San Lázaro Tribune, she insisted that she, along with those who marched last Sunday, were kicked and sprayed with gas, which was denied by the official.

“They don’t even respect their popular representatives. They betray everything they can. And Martí Batres you are very, very wrong.

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“Not only are you a male who has a hard time paying the pensions of the children that you leave scattered throughout Mexico, you are an ignorant male who stigmatizes and who wants trans people to celebrate that in your city they repealed the crime of contagion, when only the 8% of the 320 thousand people living with HIV are trans people, that 8% is just 30 thousand people out of 909 thousand. “What a bastard you are to want us to celebrate an achievement of another population,” the legislator claimed.

Previously, in his speech on the occasion of the trans visibility day, García criticized his own bench for defending the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), but not abiding by its recommendations.

“It is a shame, it is a double standard, an insult. They defend her here tooth and nail on this platform, but when she makes a recommendation to them they remain silent and do not abide by it,” the legislator claimed.

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He detailed that recommendation 42/2023 of the Commission urged the Chamber of Deputies to reform article 1 to integrate gender identity or expression into the catalog of discriminatory behaviors, to reform article 73 to provide the Chamber of Deputies and the Congress to legislate on trans people, and include the criminal offense of transfemicide and it has not been done “despite the fact that Morena and its allies have a majority in the Gender Equality Commission and in the Justice Commission, and a simple majority here full on. Why don’t they approve it? Because they don’t want to, it’s that simple.”

He insisted on his call to the trans community, if they do not feel identified or feel betrayed by either Acción Nacional or Morena, to cancel their vote on June 2.

2024-04-06 21:30:36

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