Transfers between Regions from April 26: how the vaccination pass works

by time news

Transfers between Regions from 26 April: pending the launch of the vaccination pass in the red and orange areas, self-certifications will continue

For April 26, the Government has planned a series of reopening by virtue of the positive numbers on the infections from Covid-19 in Italy. Many businesses will be able to return to work (HERE ALL THE DETAILS) and there are also news regarding the movements between Regions. In the yellow areas you can move with a fair amount of freedom while for the red and orange ones you will initially continue with the classic self-certifications pending the so-called vaccination pass.

Transfers between Regions from April 26: vaccination pass how it works

The document required by the Government must contain the following information:

  • Confirm that you have vaccinated against Covid-19
  • Attestation through a medical certificate that you have been cured of Covid-19
  • Indication of having performed a negative antigenic or molecular swab in the 48 hours prior to the move

The vaccination pass will be used primarily for travel but also to access cultural and sporting events open to the public. The goal is to create a digital tool, so you can have it comfortably always with you directly on your smartphone. The use of the blockchain would guarantee the security of users’ privacy. The model is that of the “green pass” that the European Union could activate by the summer.

As happened with the IO app, however, doubts remain about the feasibility of the project as not all citizens have a smartphone and above all it is not mandatory to buy one. The alternative is therefore a physical card with the data provided by the health authorities with the collaboration of Poste Italiane. The hypothesis of integrating the vaccination pass into the IO app also remains standing. At the moment, however, it is unlikely that the Government will be able to achieve an effective solution by the deadline of April 26 and therefore it is practically certain that at least for a few months the self-certifications will continue.

“The Government is working on the launch of the ‘pass’ with which citizens will be able to move freely even between Regions classified as red or orange and, of course, to encourage the arrival of tourists in Italy, as we have been proposing for some time. – he writes on social network the undersecretary inside Carlo Sibilia – A negative swab in 48 hours will probably be one of the three conditions for obtaining the pass, as an alternative to vaccination certification or recovery from Covid-19. However, it is important to make it clear immediately that it must be it is the responsibility of the State to ensure the antigenic or molecular buffer free of charge “.

“When the tampon – continues Sibilla – will become a tool to resume moving and producing safely, the costs will have to be borne by the State. It would be inconceivable that the costs to reach the shared goal of regaining normality would end up falling on the citizen, already proven by the restrictions linked to the health crisis “.

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