Transparency gives Labor 10 days to publish the report on the economic impact of the SMI that Daz considers “internal”

by time news


Labor must make public a report that it keeps confidential on the impact on employment of the increases in the Interprofessional Minimum Wage (SMI) within 10 days. The Transparency Council gives this instruction when a new increase is negotiated.

Second Vice President and Minister of Labor Yolanda Daz.Juan Carlos CardenasEFE

The Council for Transparency and Good Governance has urged the Ministry of Labor to send the Ostrom Institute the study it commissioned last year on el Impact of the increase in the SMI on inequality and employment, a work that was added to that carried out by a commission of experts and that tried to compensate for that carried out by the Bank of Spain. According to this organization, after the increase in the SMI in 2019 there was a lower growth in employment of the group with lower wages.

Díaz commissioned the study to the Iseak Foundation, specifically to the Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Sarah of the Rich. The economist, who handed in her work in January, has celebrated the resolution of the Transparency Council on Twitter. “We worked very hard and did the most rigorous work we could to add value. It is very good that it is published and that we all continue to learn from the evidence”.

The Ostrom Institute, which defines itself as an independent and liberal think tank based in Barcelona, ​​is the one who has demanded the publication of the report since last March. The agency demanded that the Ministry of Labor deliver the study, under the Law of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance.

The claim was deodorized by Daz. In April, Trabajo argued that “the document is considered an internal report of an auxiliary nature and that access could be detrimental to economic and commercial interests or affect intellectual property”, thus closing the door to what the independent study concludes on the increase in the SMI.

On April 27, 2022, the Ostrom Institute once again filed a claim with the Transparency Council, alleging that Labor had not duly justified the real possibility of injury to the exposed economic and commercial interests or the presence of an interest superior to the one protected. .

This newspaper has tried to obtain a response from the Ministry of Labor without success. The Ostrom Institute hopes that the report will be sent to it at the beginning of October, although, if this is not the case, it may file an appeal before the Courts.

Currently the SMI is 1,000 euros in 14 paysyes The expected rise by Daz in 2023 is that it reaches around 1,049 euros. It should be remembered that the increase in this remuneration setting instrument has been more than 30% since 2019 with an open public debate on whether it affects job creation or even destroys it. The unions consider the SMI a pressure tool on an increasing number of salaries and value it as an alternative tool to collective bargaining, where the Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining (AENC) with the employer is suspended

In addition, the imminent rise to negotiate of the SMI has been included by the Vice President of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calvioin the “basket” of elements to consider in an income agreement with which to face the current price crisis.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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