Transplants, heart in record time from Trento to Bologna, 1 hour by helicopter

by time news

2023-07-21 14:08:53

Record times for the transport of a heart to be transplanted: just one hour from Trento to Bologna, which made it possible to save the life of a patient. It happened in Emilia Romagna thanks to the use of a helicopter and the organization and coordination of the Transplant Reference Center with the 118 Emilia Est Operations Center and the Irccs Policlinico di Sant’Orsola in Bologna. The organ was received by a 68-year-old man, who is well and underwent an operative course without particular complications, reports the Region in a note.

It all started when the Transplant Reference Center received a heart offer from the Trento hospital, in response to a regional emergency launched on a national scale. A chain of operations was therefore triggered in which, more than any other time, the role of each subject makes the difference. Hence the choice of the helicopter to reduce transfer times as much as possible and increase the chances of a successful transplant, reducing heart ischemia times to a minimum, which are crucial in every transplant, by an hour and a half. “Ours – says Davide Pacini, director of the Sant’Orsola Cardiac Surgery Unit – is a job that has one more enemy to fight in addition to the disease. It is time. And the commitment of just one is not enough, we need collaboration and teamwork at all levels. We provide the system and our patients with excellent skills and a cutting-edge structure”.

Raffaele Donini, Councilor for Health Policies of the Emilia Romagna Region, said he was proud “of the result obtained thanks to an efficient and well-oiled machine in which all the professionals and structures do their job at their best, with the excellent coordination of the Regional Transplant Reference Center. All this would be useless, however, if upstream there weren’t the generous choice of the donor’s family: the biggest and most important thanks go to them”.

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