Transport, schools, demonstrations… What you need to know about this day of strike this Thursday

by time news

The CGT, Solidaires and the FSU are calling for a day of strikes and demonstrations this Thursday. If the reasons for dissatisfaction are numerous and varied according to the sectors, with in the background the salary question and the pension reform, the mobilization promises to be contrasted and the executive tends to put this movement into perspective. We take stock of the disruptions to be expected.

SNCF and RATP traffic disrupted

The mobilization will not be the same in all transport services: if the CFDT-Cheminots has decided to join the mobilization, unlike the CFDT at the national level, the Unsa-SNCF does not wish to participate in this “back-to-school strike” but assures that he wants to “keep his strength for the upcoming deadlines”. At the RATP level, the CGT is the only union to call a strike, which explains the absence of disturbances on metro traffic in particular.

In Île-de-France, the service will be normal on RER A and E, as well as on lines K, L, P and U, and tram lines T4, T11 and T13. On the other hand, we must expect disruptions elsewhere: there will be 3 trains out of 4 on RER C and line H, 2 trains out of 3 on line J, 1 train out of 2 on RER D and lines N and R. Also count 1 train out of 2 north of line B and 3 trains out of 4 south of the line.

At the national level, it will be necessary to deal with an average of 6 TER trains out of 10 on average. Traffic will be almost normal on the TGV Nord and Est, but slightly disrupted in the Atlantic and in the South-East. For the Intercités, count 1 train out of 2 on average during the day, but no night traffic. Finally, 3 Ouigo trains out of 4 will run.

Internationally, Eurostar and Thalys traffic will not be disrupted, nor will connections to Germany and Italy. Expect some disruptions on connections with Spain.

Schools affected by the movement

Participation in the day of strikes and demonstrations promises to be quite high in the primary, according to the Snuipp-FSU, the first union of the first degree. Nearly 20% of school teachers will be on strike, with a strong disparity: 40% in Paris with 10% of schools closed, 48% in Seine-Saint-Denis. In the Bouches-du-Rhône, 300 schools will be closed.

“There are places where teachers are ready to mobilize strongly and others where things are not moving much,” observes general secretary Guislaine David. “There is a real fed up of teachers on salaries (…) If there is in parallel the question of pensions, this is likely to make sparks”, she predicts.

While the education sector is suffering from an unprecedented crisis in the recruitment of teachers, the lack of teachers is beginning to be felt in certain establishments, fueling the anger of staff and parents.

The strike at Total continues

The employees of TotalEnergies began a strike on Tuesday for at least three days to demand, in particular, an increase in their wages, in a context where the company has reaped enormous profits, taking full advantage of the rise in oil prices and some gas.

This strike, at the call of the CGT, forced the company on Wednesday to start shutting down the Normandy refinery, the largest in France, “for security reasons”.

The representatives of the employees of the electricity and gas industries have been in negotiations for many months with the representatives of the employers, in order to obtain an increase in the national basic salary of the branch equivalent to inflation. The employers granted them an increase well below, at 1.3%.

Central CGT union representative at GRDF, Sébastien Raya is counting on a strong mobilization of energy and gas employees, as does the federal secretary of the FNME-CGT, Fabrice Coudour, who underlines that there is a “certain anger environment which is no longer resignation”.

Demonstrations all over France

Processions of demonstrators must rush throughout France at the call of the unions. At least 200 gathering places are planned for this first day of interprofessional mobilization since the start of the school year, according to Céline Verzeletti, confederal secretary of the CGT.

In Paris, the procession will leave at 2 p.m. from Place Denfert-Rochereau, in the direction of Bastille. A police source expects 3,000 to 6,000 people in the capital. They were in comparison 3,200 on March 17 and 8,800 on January 27, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

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