Trappes: targeted by a complaint, Othman Nasrou accused of having bought votes during the municipal elections of 2020

by time news

The campaign for the municipal elections of Trappes in 2020 tainted by a case? A resident of the town has just pushed the door of the Versailles police station to file a complaint against Othman Nasrou, former candidate (SE) for municipal elections in this town of Yvelines and current vice-president (LR) of the regional council of Île-de- France.

The complainant, Kamel Laouadi, is a former sympathizer. He criticizes Othman Nasrou for having organized actions for young people in the neighborhoods, in exchange for their votes in the municipal elections. His approach comes three years after the acts he denounces. “I only realize late that these facts are not moral, or even perhaps illegal, that’s why I come today”, he justifies in his complaint, which we were able to consult.

Kamel Laouadi, who refused to speak in our columns, worked, at the time of the alleged facts, in the team of candidate Nasrou. At the time, the campaign was extremely tense, especially between the Republican and his left-wing opponent, Ali Rabeh, who has since become mayor.

He claims to have received “about 2,300 euros in cash”

The ballot is largely played in the sensitive neighborhoods of the popular town of 33,000 inhabitants. Kamel Laouadi says he inherited a specific function: to be one of Othman Nasrou’s intermediaries with the young people of these cities. A classic of politics, declined everywhere in France, when the candidates struggle to “penetrate” this public far from the polling stations.

Except that Kamel Laouadi would have done a little more than that. In his statement to the police, he explains his work in the spring of 2020 as follows. PSG, asking them in exchange to vote for him. “He says he received from the hand of the campaign manager of Othman Nasrou about fifty tickets for the Parc des Princes.

Kamel Laouadi also indicates that he organized “barbecue days” in several squares in Trappes, on the day of the second round. An event that is not extraordinary during an election period. Except that, according to the complainant, the “guests” were asked that day to vote for the Republican candidate. In front of the brigadier who took his complaint, the former sympathizer claims to have received from the hands of Othman Nasrou “about 2,300 euros in cash” to buy food.

“I was also asked to steal the bags containing Mr. Rabeh’s leaflets,” he added in his statement. His complaint was collected as part of a preliminary investigation, the first stage of legal proceedings. For the police, it is a matter of gathering evidence within a given legal framework and reporting it to the prosecution. It does not augur, for the moment, neither prosecution nor guilt.

Contacted, Othman Nasrou firmly denied the charges against him: “It’s absurd. Everything is obviously wrong,” he said. He does not rule out taking legal action, in turn, for slanderous denunciation.

The author of the complaint had denounced on Facebook a course of SVT which he considered racist

Kamel Laouadi, 46, already known to justice for old facts, was recently sentenced to six months in prison, following his publications on Facebook, in January 2021, concerning an earth science and life course (SVT) provided in the college of his daughter, in Trappes. The case had been taken seriously by the parquet floor of Versailles, in a department confronted with the assassination of the college professor of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Samuel Paty, three months earlier.

In December 2020, while she was offering a course on the evolution and place of man in the living world, the SVT teacher had used a photo of rapper Soprano to interest her 3rd graders. By discovering the course of his daughter a few weeks later, Kamel Laouadi had noticed that the face of this black artist was near a representation of chimpanzee. He saw racism in it and shared the document on social media.

During the trial, in November 2021, the prosecutor insisted on the seriousness of the facts, believing that they had led to a “digital fatwa”. Kamel Laouadi appealed against his conviction. The date for the new hearing has not yet been set.

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