«Trash», when waste wants a second life – The exclusive trailer

by time news

Directed by Luca della Grotta and Francesco Dafano, with an unreleased song by Raphael Gualazzi, it will be in cinemas from 16 October | Courier TV

Boxes, bottles, cans. Refusals. Abandoned in the street, in the markets, under the bridges. Ignored by anyone. Inert. Until night falls … Slim is a ruined cardboard box. He lives in a market, with his friend Bubbles – a soda bottle – and other companions. It survives by hiding from the Suckers, vacuum cleaning machines. Slim is resigned, he no longer believes in anything, not even in the legend of the Magic Pyramid, a mythical place where it is possible for waste to have a second chance, to be reborn and still be carriers useful to oneself and to others, until a unexpected will change his fate.

«Trash» is an Al-One Srl production, directed by Luca della Grotta and Francesco Dafano with an unreleased song by Raphael Gualazzi. It will be distributed by Notorious pictures from 16 October to theaters


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