Travel Sale 2022: notable increases in travelers compared to the previous year

by time news

The seventh edition of the Travel Sale in this 2022 registered more than 650 thousand people who entered the official site and 60% of the operations are carried out from mobile devices. The most sought after destinations at the local level were Bariloche, Mendoza and Buenos Aires.; while at the international level the chosen ones were: Madrid, Miami and Brazil.

Meanwhile, the participating agencies received a notable increase in visits, queries and traffic from their multiple communication channels. And the users with the highest demand were from Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Santa Fe. (Agent revaluation campaign is launched during Travel Sale week)

Tufi Jozami, Managing Partner of Portal Viajes highlighted: ¨We had a large number of visits to our website and physically in the Agency there was a greater movement than usual in other weeks out of action. The largest number of inquiries were for air reservations¨.

For her part, Magalí Alvarez Howlin, Head of Marketing at Volalá, pointed out that they noticed a lot of demand on flights to “Mendoza, Iguazú, Ushuaia, Miami, Madrid, the multi-destination Madrid-Paris, San Andrés, Natal. And there are also many travelers who are taking the opportunity to complete their trips with hotels, where we have offers of up to 50% off”.

Meanwhile, from Almundo, Dolores Silva, Planning, Revenue & Marketing Director, remarked that they noticed a growth in passenger traffic: “On the first day of the action we have had great traffic, we had a 45% increase compared to Monday previous and 40% more than a normal Monday”.

From Rumbo Sur, Andrea Forti, Sales Manager commented: «This is the third edition in which we have participated. As always, year after year he exceeds our expectations, achieving great sales conversion and inquiries throughout the action.”

Finally, Martín Ovalle, Regional Marketing Head of Buquebus, ¨The Travel Sale is an event that helps to boost the tourism sector, generating a milestone in terms of summer pre-sale especially. At Buquebus we are proud to belong to this community of travel and tourism agencies¨.

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