Traveling abroad? Here are 9 elite restaurants that are worth the queue at the airport

by time news

In the coming weeks many will find themselves in the endless queue that lingers at the airport. After two years of grounding, an unprecedented demand has been created for overseas vacations, and heck the prices and clutter in inspections.

One of Israel’s export areas is life – hungry tourists, who are regularly ranked at the top of the holiday spending per person tables. And if ratings and fun: a moment after the latest Michelin guides from around the world, from Paris to Dubai, and just before the ranking of the 50 best restaurants in the world (18.7) – 6 chef restaurants with once-in-a-lifetime meals for those who find themselves in one of classic European destinations.

Madrid DiverXo
Few restaurants justify a special trip. The Madrid spokesman of Spanish super chef Dabiz Muñoz, the bad boy of Iberian cuisine, is one of them. Not that Podis need a special reason to travel to the Spanish capital, one of the most fascinating and lucrative culinary destinations in Western Europe, and yet.

DiverXo Restaurant in Madrid / Photo: Dabiz Munoz

Elite cuisine around the world has undergone a Nordic-Japanese-inspired change in the last decade, with a strong emphasis on serving, success, the story of the raw material, the story of the farm, the story of the chef and more. Muñoz’s restaurant also serves – and generously – sophisticated food in beautiful dishes. The food is not only beautiful and humorous but also delicious. is very.

The restaurant boasts 3 Michelin stars (at 33, Muñoz was one of the youngest to ever receive this rating) and a ranking in the top 20 restaurants in the world. The rich “Flying Pigs” meal combines local flavors with an Asian influence. It is served for 3-4 hours (!), In double-digit numbers of dishes and is built according to the taste preferences of the diners. An exciting carousel of textures and stories.

Among the dishes: a Galician lobster that wakes up, according to the menu, on the beaches of Goa, adorned with spices from smelt, chutney and buffalo milk; A cold-pressed pigeon, soaked in sherry wine for a week, and a secret dish that diners are asked to eat with their heads covered with a napkin. It is mandatory to book a place at least a month in advance. If you do not get a place here then to the adjacent and new Rebbe xo restaurant that revolves around pasta or to the street food restaurant of Muñoz, Street x.

In short and in one word: a show.

Copenhagen | Geranium
The capital of Denmark has in recent years become a world-class food center, perhaps even the capital of the God of Knowledge. After the noma restaurant of the esteemed chef Rene Radzafi, who will retire this year from the Fifty Best – as has been the practice in recent years with restaurants that have won first place. The almost certain candidate to replace on the list is the Geranium Restaurant (3 stars) under the direction of Chef Rasmus Kuped.
The menu here is based on many dozens of bite-sized dishes served to the table. A haiku of meticulous and beautiful stories – an extraordinary experience for lovers of the genre.

Copenhagen | Down to earth
On the other side of town rises and comes the spoken and tiny Jordnær restaurant by Chef Eric Wildgor. After being a gang member, as his tattoos attest, he became a chef, cooked in the best restaurants in the city and also gave birth to no less than 6 children. He set up his restaurant in a small, simple hotel on the outskirts of the city, with a tasting menu featuring surprising combinations of Nordic ingredients inspired by local inventory with black caviar toppings, which have gained renewed interest in the past two years at upscale restaurants. Jordner won record speed in a pair of Michelin stars and will likely also enter the Fifty Best.

Barcelona Disfrutar
Back to the hot south. Catalonia is one of the most decorated regions in the world, with restaurants ranked at the top of world cuisine in every possible list, from chef Fran Adria’s mythical El Boli to the Roca brothers’ El Salar de Can Roca. Disfrutar) is one of the units actually established by a trio of chefs who worked with it.

Disprotar is currently ranked in the Fifty Best Set in the World Top 5. The show of dishes here is no less than a surprise for lovers of molecular food, and is all a love song for the sea and land supply of their country – from the iconic fake olive dish (search on YouTube) to desserts. The restaurant’s wine cellar is a paradise for Spanish wine lovers, and in the wine matching menu you can find wines aged 30 and 40 from across the country.

Barcelona Hermanos Torres
Not far away, on the outskirts of Barcelona, ​​Hermanus Torres, a magnet for lovers of meticulous, no less local food, but with a more minimalist, unique and different look. The Torres Brothers restaurant (2 stars) is located in an industrial space that has become a modern and beautiful hall with a kitchen at its heart and on which the tables overlook.

Among the dishes: fish praline that is already becoming a local mythology, cream decorated with a beautiful circle of black truffles (in season) and more. Along with classics, you can find the menu here with wines from a variety of small, intriguing and innovative producers from Spain. exciting.

פריז | the carpaccio
Paris is not short of great restaurants. Among the many restaurants that focus on French cuisine, in recent years there have also been star restaurants that focus, mercifully, on foreign cuisines.

Il Carpaccio Restaurant in Paris / Photo: Roméo Balancourt

A break for those who want to take a break from feta, ducks and fish fillets in an airy butter sauce. Broken star and chef Assaf Granit’s mess make it great with Israeli food.
Prominent in Italian is Il Carpaccio by Alessandra del Favero and Oliver Piras, located in the legendary Royal Manso Hotel near the Champs Elysees. The restaurant space is located in the pavilion in the hotel garden in a romantic atmosphere. On the tasting menu that includes 6 dishes starring, how not – carpaccio, perhaps the best in Paris. It is worthwhile to combine the unusual wine tasting menu prepared by the sommelier Naomi Aubrey.

And 3 more recommendations, in a nutshell:

Vienna | Amador

Spanish chef Amador creates classic and so meticulous Michelin-starred food in the Austrian capital, maximum flavor with minimum fusion. A rare experience.

Istanbul | Turk

Slightly moving away from classic Europe, but still a sought-after destination: Patti Tutak is one of the most prominent chefs in Eastern Mediterranean cuisine. In Turkey, he created a delicious meal inspired by contemporary Turkish cuisine, with the best local ingredients that has already become a center of pilgrimage for Israeli chefs as well, by right and not by grace. Come fast before the expected price increase received later this year by the first (or two) Michelin star.

Bangkok | Sour ring

Even further away from classic Europe, but a popular destination and a worthy restaurant: The Suring Twins chef restaurant is located in a villa in the green area of ​​Bangkok with a meticulous menu that is all a love song to the German food of their childhood, with an Asian touch. Wonderful and affordable (everything is relative).

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