Traveling with my ex: when is it a good idea or an emotional disaster?

by time news

after one sentimental break, nothing like putting distances. But, Is traveling with my ex worth it? If you are thinking about it here we will tell you when it is a good idea or an emotional disaster.

After announcing her separation from the singer Erik Rubín (with whom she had a 22-year relationship), the host Andrea Legarreta shared through her social networks that she had gone on vacation with her ex-partner and daughters, just a month after having ended their relationship.

A situation that has divided opinions, but has left a big question mark. Is it good to travel with the ex?

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Going on a trip after a love breakup

Getting over the end of a relationship is not easy. According to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, no matter how old you are or how long it lasts, it hurts so it’s important to allow ourselves to feel sadness, anger, and hurt.

Although going on a trip after a break is also recommended. Especially when we are in the acceptance stage, and provided that the initial moments have been adequately overcome, says the Madrid Psychology Center.

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Is it a good idea to go on a trip with your ex?

Going on a trip with the ex, and especially if you have children, it is not entirely recommended. Especially if you are in the process of separation or divorce.

To begin with, a stage of mourning is being lived, which the travel with ex-partner It can cause false hopes or ideas to form, which make healing more complicated.

On the other hand, if the couple has children together, seeing their parents traveling together can cause them confused feelings.

What is better, keep in touch with your ex or never see him again in life?

You have to know that the friendship with a former partner is more fragile than a friendship that has not experienced this sentimental relationship, according to the results of a study from the University of San Luis.

You decide to end a relationship for a reason, and the healthiest thing to do is to keep your distance. Although if you have children, the ideal is to try to have a cordial relationship, with fluid communication.

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What to do if you are going out with your ex?

If you go to travel with your ex, there are a few important things to consider to make sure everything goes smoothly. First, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation about your expectations for the trip and what you hope to do together.

It is also important to remember that you are in a different relationship now, so try not to repeat patterns of toxic or negative behavior they may have had in the past.

During the trip, it is important to set clear boundaries and communicate openly about what is comfortable and what is not. This includes things like sharing a hotel room or deciding what activities to do together.

Also, it’s important to respect each other’s personal space and allow each other time alone if they need it. Remember that time together and time apart can be just as important in maintaining a relationship. healthy relationship.

Finally, if something isn’t working out during your trip, it’s important to talk it out and work together to find a solution rather than let the tension build.

In short, if you are going to travel with your ex It’s important to have open and honest communication, set clear boundaries, respect each other’s personal space, and work together to resolve any issues that arise during the trip. Have fun and enjoy the time together!

Before going on a trip remember, your heart is the one that matters and before taking a step, think about how healthy it is.

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