“Travelo of shit, you are an envious transvestite”, the insults that Jedet suffered at the Feroz party

by time news

The producer Javier Pérez Santana, this Sunday after leaving the courts of Zaragoza once accused of sexual assault / ATLAS

Javier Pérez Santana, who was arrested and released, told the judge that he had drunk a lot that night and that he does not remember anything

Bruno Vergara

Javier Pérez Santana, a 55-year-old producer, who was arrested and released this Tuesday as the alleged author of a sexual assault on the actress and singer Jedet, the young woman who gave life to Cristina Ortiz in ‘Veneno’, could also be accused of a hate crime for insulting his alleged victim.

According to El Periódico de Aragón, the producer verbally attacked Jedet when she stood up to her attacker. “Travelo shit, you are an envious transvestite, whore, envious transsexual, be careful with me that I am a gypsy,” Pérez Santana snapped.

Curiously, the assailant and another man would be part of the documentary team ‘My vacuum and I’, one of the pieces nominated for the Fiction Outburst award. The film tells the story of Rahaëlle Pérez, Raphi, a young androgynous woman with gender dysphoria, who attended the gala this Sunday with the team

Although the touching that Jedet denounced occurred in the wee hours of the morning, the aggression was divided into three acts. First around 2:30 p.m. The victim recounted that two men approached her stating that they were her “fans”. Jedet greeted them and, after a brief conversation, decided to say goodbye to them given “the state and attitude in which these people were, who could be under the influence of some narcotic substance.”

Just before saying goodbye, the producer told Jedet: “You’re very bad, you don’t love me at all.” “You are very bad, we wanted you to be part of this family, but now we are going to leave you out.” The actress replied: “I don’t want to be part of her family, I already have mine.”

During the party, there was another approach by the two men. But it was the third time when the film producer approached his victim and “surprisingly” “grabbed” his chest. It was at that moment that the insults towards the actress occurred. These events were witnessed by several witnesses. One of them explained to the Police that Pérez Santana had given the victim a “lick on the neck”.

Jedet told other attendees of the gala, which was held on Sunday in the Ebro Space of the Zaragoza Water Park, that Pérez Santana and another individual “were touching the private areas of those present without their consent.”

As published by the same outlet, which has had access to the statement in the Police and in court, Pérez Santana said that the touching could not be true since “a woman does not attract me sexually, I am homosexual.” Later, in court, he told the judge on duty that he had drunk a lot that night and that he does not remember anything.

Bob Pop was also attacked

For his part, the writer and screenwriter Bob Pop, who was at the party until 3:30 a.m., commented on Tuesday on the Ser chain that he was also harassed by Pérez Santana. “That man harassed me at the party,” Bob Pop explained to Angels Barceló in the magazine ‘Today’. “I was there, chatting with people, and he came about three times to try to eat my mouth without my permission while I dodged him as best he could,” he recounted.

The creator of ‘Maricón perdido’ also affirmed that he was not aware that this could be denounced and that what he thought was “well, I have had my share of being drunk and slimy that you get at all parties and you put up with it” . That afternoon, seeing the producer’s photograph in all the media and the complaint made him reflect on “how poorly educated those of my generation are, thinking that you have to assume that this is normal.” Of course, Bob Pop made it clear that at no time did he think of calling someone so that Pérez Santana would leave him alone: ​​«Surely I did wrong, but that possibility was not in my head. It seems very important to me that with the new law – that of ‘only yes is yes’ – we assume that there are no longer things that we have to put up with, neither from a drunkard nor from anyone ».

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