Treasury: The Basques, among those who pay the least taxes

by time news

2023-04-29 00:22:54

Saturday, April 29, 2023, 00:22

One of the great novelties of this Income campaign has to do with the decision of some communities to deflate the IRPF, something that the provincial estates have already been doing in 2021. It is a measure to alleviate (partly) the effect of inflation , since in this way someone who has had a salary increase (which does not imply an improvement in their purchasing power due to the rise in the CPI) is prevented from going up in the tax bracket and, therefore, having to pay more.

By not being applied in all communities, deflation has come to sharpen the differences in the tax bill of income from work, according to the report ‘Panorama of regional and regional taxation 2023’ prepared by the General Council of Economists. In it, it is stated, for example, that a single taxpayer, under 65 years of age and without children and with an income of 16,000 euros coming solely from his work, in Bizkaia, Álava or Gipuzkoa would have to pay 1,207.02 euros, which is almost 900 euros more than a Valencian with the same profile, from whom the Treasury would only claim 314.38 euros. After the Basque provinces and Navarra (1,112.30 euros), where I would pay the most is in Catalonia, but it would be a very distant 393.87 euros.

By jumping to 20,000 euros, this typical taxpayer would pay more in Navarra (2,301 euros) and Catalonia, with 2,118.54 euros and Madrid (with 1,909.97 euros) the least. In any of the three Basque territories, you would pay 2,069.30 euros.

If we go up the salary scale and place ourselves between 30,000 euros and 70,000, the three Basque territories turn out to be the ‘cheapest’, with 4,610.20 euros for salaries of 30,000 compared to 5,041.35 that a Catalan would pay; 8,856.93 for the 45,000 compared to 9,804.78 for Extremadurans and; 17,988.99 for those of 70,000 compared to 9,815.99 for Navarrese.

In the following compared sections, with salaries starting at 100,000 euros, the community where it is most advantageous to pay taxes is Madrid and the least, in the Valencian community. If we win 110,000 we would pay 35,399.89 euros, just one hundred euros less than in the Basque Country but almost 3,500 less than in Valencia (38,834.29).

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