Treated at the IHU-Méditerranée: “Wild trial”? Did you say “wild”?

by time news

2023-05-31 15:30:00

TRIBUNE/TESTIMONIAL – In an article published in the Sunday newspaper (JDD) and a column published in The world this Monday, May 29, learned societies and other experts rise in groups. The pack is once again unleashed against Professor Didier Raoult and the IHU Méditerranée Infection which he created, then directed, until the summer of 2022.

“I am one of these 30,423 patients treated at the IHU”

The Professor and sixteen members of “his bodyguard” (I quote the JDD) have indeed had the audacity to pre-publish a study which summarizes the treatments administered to 30,423 patients at the IHU between March 2020 and December 2021, with the data validated by a bailiff and made available to all .

A prepublication experienced, it seems, as a real provocation by the signatories of the forum who, “unknown and inaudible since the start of the pandemic” according to the JDD (these inaudible ones have nevertheless squatted TV sets and radio studios for more than two years!) denounce “a giant wild clinical trial” conducted, says the JDD, out of 30,423 “guinea pigs” and one “huge health scandal” !

Wild trial, guinea pigs, scandal? The words explode in my face, because I am one of those 30,423 patients who were treated at the IHU, I came out cured, and I never had the feeling of being treated like a guinea pig!

Nothing, however, predisposed me to seek treatment 800 km from my home when I contracted the Covid. My path as a patient unfortunately crossed that of caregivers to whom the ambient “covidist” madness and its ruthless doxa had undoubtedly caused me to lose a sense of responsibility and ethics, to the point of making me leave the emergency department where I had been admitted the day before without prescribing the oxygen therapy on which I was still dependent.

My alleged crime? To have sought to justify my refusal of the experimental injection that our government sought by all means to impose on us. Their wish, barely veiled? That I come back the next day, but in intensive care this time. To every crime, its punishment. The one they inflicted on me then was violent, savage, scandalous!

For is there any greater savagery, greater barbarism, during a pandemic such as the one we have known, than to leave a patient without care, as these doctors deliberately did, but as did all those who, sheltering behind the instructions of the High Authority for Health (HAS), did not seek to treat patients sick with Covid, or even closed their doors afterwards to “non-vaccinated”?

“The ‘vaccines’ are still in the experimental phase”

How to qualify these behaviors: savagery, barbarity, sadism, like this harassment that one of my friends, hospitalized in intensive care, had to undergo to make him give in to the experimental vaccination injunction, which he did not do?

Because I remind you, for those who have forgotten, that these “vaccines” are still in the experimental phase and that it is on tens of millions of people that the clinical trials of these products have been carried out, without obtaining any they have the least free and informed consent, as guaranteed by the international convention of Helsinki.

Worse, some have boasted of having “vaccinated” people in tears who, in charge of family, had no other choice but to go through this injection which they did not want. Isn’t this non-respect of international laws and conventions, signed so that never again humans can be the victims of a science gone mad, which is a monstrous health scandal?

Citing Professor Drici in his attack on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the JDD recalls that 95% of side effects are not reported to pharmacovigilance. But that this eminent professor is therefore interested in the side effects of injections unduly named vaccines! They are infinitely, infinitely more numerous than those that he and his colleagues attribute to a treatment which it has already been proven, whether they like it or not, that he saved lives.

I quote the JDD: “An 18-year-old, affected by Covid but without symptoms, could be treated with HCQ, deplores Professor Molimard”. The same Mathieu Molimard, cantor of generalized vaccination, does he deplore the fate of these young people in good health who had nothing to fear from the Covid, who sometimes went through the “vaccine” box to be able to continue their studies, often to be able to maintain a social life, essential at their age, and who paid for it with their lives?

“Learned societies, servile promoters of the only experimental injection”

These lives also could have been spared if the so-called learned societies, signatories of the forum, had not, as one man, made the servile promoters of the only experimental injection, in defiance of any scientifically serious approach since these products wrongly named vaccines had not been correctly and sufficiently tested and evaluated, and to the detriment of any other therapeutic approach.

When we know the enormous conflicts of interest that bind these signatories to the big pharmaceutical laboratories, we can easily imagine the reasons for this servility… It is clear that the publication of the results obtained in his hospital by one of the world references in infectiology, far from being “the straw that broke the camel’s back” (Mathieu Molimard, quoted by the JDD) will be the pavement in a particularly muddy pond, that of the abandonment of patients by the health system that these signatories helped orchestrate.

These people therefore no longer have to hide their negligence and the barbarity they have shown by endorsing the disastrous policy of “stay at home and take Doliprane”, relying on fraudulent or “directed ” such as “LancetGate”, Discovery or Recovery (with excessive dosages of active molecules) with their dramatic consequences, by promoting harmful injections, that the recourse to the “offensive” against the medical establishment which, since March 2020, will have fought tirelessly to treat, treat again and again, heal, save.

Caring for patients

“Patients, we have to take care of them!”, has often repeated Professor Didier Raoult. These are very disturbing comments for those who, conversely, have abandoned them, especially when the results are there!

I was treated at the IHU, after having previously given my free and informed consent to the HCQ-based treatment that I was going to receive there and which I knew was being administered to me outside MA. I was under constant surveillance by the medical team throughout my stay, and I came out cured. I took HCQ a week after I left the hospital.

Is this why I owe a particularly rapid recovery if I compare it to that experienced by those around me who were also sick? I do not have an answer to this question but one thing for me is absolutely certain: at no time, at the IHU Méditerranée InfectionI did not feel like a guinea pig, unlike what I felt through the multiple statements of Minister Olivier Véran who, from March 2020, treated the French like laboratory rats, French prisoners in their own country and deprived of care by government order.

Make no mistake, if “giant wild clinical trial” there was a day in our country, it was certainly not at the Marseille IHU that it was carried out, but it was carried out in March 2020 by the French State on 67 million people, with dubious health measures which had never been implemented before, supplemented by an injection into the general population of an experimental product which very quickly proved not only ineffective but with numerous serious (and potentially fatal) side effects, all this with the support of these same companies “learned”signatories of this shameful forum and de facto accomplices of this “huge health scandal”.

In a state of law, the duty of these companies was to mobilize to provide treatment for patients and to respect the international convention of Helsinki which gives everyone the right to free and informed consent, WITHOUT CONSTRAINT, it was possible and they failed in this duty, thus contributing to the abandonment of essential ethical and moral principles in a civilized society!

What can be said of this behavior, except that it was, by the very definition of the word, barbaric.

#Treated #IHUMéditerranée #Wild #trial #wild

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