Treatment that DOES work to strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes with aloe vera

by time news

strengthen eyelashes it is one of the most important steps for them to grow and stay beautiful. If yours are small and ‘downpour’, you have tried all kinds of mascara, oils or serums to try to lengthen them, but nothing seems to work. Apply with a treatment that does work for strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes con aloe vera.

What is the growth cycle of natural eyelashes?

He growth cycle of natural eyelashes It consists of three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. In the same way that we lose about 100 hairs a day, a person can lose the same number of upper eyelashes and 50 to 75 lower ones, as part of their renewal processdescribes an article published in the National Institutes of Health.

  • Anagen: in this stage the new hair pushes out the “old eyelash” so that it falls out and makes room for the new hair bulb that will begin to grow in its place, this process can take between 30 to 45 days to complete.
  • Catagen: known as the transition stage in which the root slows down and stops growing, its period can last between 14 and 21 days, because the longer your eyelashes remain in this stage, the healthier your follicle will be, since they are long, strong and thick enough to give other eyelashes.
  • Telogen: also known as resting phaseIt happens when your natural eyelash is being pushed by a new hair bulb that is waiting behind it to take its place in a couple of months.

Treatment that DOES work to strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes with aloe vera/ Photo: iStock

What are the tabs for?

Eyelashes have various functions, although they have become an important component of beauty to show off a more attractive lookThey are also very useful.

  • Protection: The tabs prevent the entry of dust, dirt and foreign objects that can cause eye irritation.
  • Sensitivity: They help alert the body when an object is too close to the eye so that we can close them quickly and avoid injury.
  • They improve vision: they filter excessive sunlight so that the eyes can see more clearly and sharply.

What is the best treatment to grow eyelashes?

If you want to have an ‘explosive look’, there are several eyelash growth treatmentsone of the best options are serums that contain peptides, biotin or hyaluronic acid, as they stimulate growth and strengthening eyelashes.

Treatment that DOES work to strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes with aloe vera/ Photo: iStock

Apply eyelash serums It is the simplest thing in the world, you just have to place a little serum on the lash basebut do not do it at the root because you will cover the sebaceous glands of your eyelids and there you could cause an infection, let it rest for about 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

In less than you realize, you will wear some longer, thicker and bushier eyelashes, Like a wrist, but without the need to resort to extensions or spend more on false ones.

How to make a home treatment for eyelashes?

Make your eyelashes grow in an accelerated way, here I tell you how to make a home treatment for eyelashes. Do not think twice and try it, I assure you that they will look more defined and aesthetic, I am sure that you will love this home treatment for eyelashes with aloe vera

You will need to:

  • Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • A vitamin E capsule
  • A clean mascara brush
  • A glass jar with a lid

Treatment that DOES work to strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes with aloe vera/ Photo: iStock

Method of preparation:

Step 1. Extract the gel from the inside of an aloe leaf, add two tablespoons to the blender, pierce the vitamin E capsule and pour as well.

Step 2. Blend for a few seconds until the ingredients are well processed, pour the mixture into the clean jar and refrigerate for at least three hours.

Step 3. This home treatment for eyelashes with aloe vera, you will apply it during the night, just after removing your makeup and having a completely clean face. Dip the clean mascara brush in the preparation and apply on your eyelashes from the base to the tips.

Treatment that DOES work to strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes with aloe vera/ Photo: iStock

How to apply an eyelash treatment?

Al apply eyelash treatment on the base, let it dry naturally and act overnight. The next morning, rinse with plenty of water and repeat its use every night until you achieve the desired result!longer, stronger and more abundant eyelashes!

Treatment that DOES work to strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes with aloe vera/ Photo: iStock

now that you know how to do a treatment to strengthen your eyelashes and lengthen themdo not wait any longer to prepare it and stop spending on false eyelashes.

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If you want to know more about how to have beautiful eyelashesStay and watch the next video and forget about fake ones once and for all. Beautify your look!

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