treatments and also the cause

by time news

Teeth grinding what is it?

Teeth grinding can be described as violently sliding the teeth over each other. It can be recognized by a loud, grinding sound. Grinding can occur in all age groups. However, it is generally the case that complaints increase with age.

There are many people who have a milder form of teeth grinding. As long as these people do not experience any complaints, in principle no special treatment is needed. However, in severe cases it can have serious consequences. For example, it can lead to chipped teeth, severe tooth wear and enamel crumbling.


There are several symptoms that can indicate bruxism. People who suffer from here generally have the following complaints:

  • Insomnia
  • Chronic pain in the jaw muscles or jaw joint
  • Headache
  • Sensitive or painful teeth
  • Change of face
  • Partly worn front and canine teeth

It is wise to visit the dentist at the first symptoms. He can check whether there are actually signs of bruxism.


Teeth grinding and jaw clenching can have various causes and are usually not linked to one specific cause. In some, it is caused by crooked or broken teeth. If teeth do not fit together properly, this can lead to mechanical problems with the teeth.

Grinding can also be caused by stress or anxiety. In this case, grinding manifests itself as a continuous pattern of behaviour. The use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes can also intensify the grinding.

In addition, in some cases bruxism can be a side effect of a neurological disorder, such as Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease. It is possible that the central nervous system influences the chewing and jaw muscles during the night. Finally, teeth grinding can be hereditary.

How can bruxism be treated?

Fortunately, bruxism can be cured. There are several treatments that can solve the problem. Is the grinding due to crooked teeth? Then the problem is relatively easy to solve with braces or crowns. A grinding bit is also recommended. You can put this bit in at night to prevent further damage.

Is stress the underlying cause? This should then be addressed at the source. It is important to fully relax before going to bed. This reduces the chance of a disturbed night’s sleep. Behavioral therapy is often effective for jaw locks that occur during the day. This helps to break the unpleasant behavioral pattern.

Another very effective treatment is botox for teeth grinding. Botox can fix the problem within a few weeks. The results of this treatment are:

  • Less tired chewing muscles;
  • A softer countenance;
  • Further damage to the teeth is prevented;
  • No more sore teeth.

However, one botox treatment is not a permanent solution. In general, the results last 4 to 6 months.

The best medicine is prevention

Teeth grinding is and remains an annoying condition. Although there are many treatments and solutions, it can still cause a lot of unrest and pain. That is why it is important to prevent severe forms of bruxism. We recommend that you visit your doctor or dentist immediately for a check-up at the first symptoms.

We hope to have informed you sufficiently with this article. However, to get really good medical advice, it is always wise to ask an expert. That is why we recommend that you always ask for the opinion of the general practitioner or dentist.

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