Tremor in Mexico today, January 31 – live report of the latest earthquakes, according to SSN | national seismological service | MIX

by time news

Review the reports of the about the latest tremors recorded TODAY, January 31 in Mexico. The Aztec territory is an actively seismic country and more than 30 earthquakes of different magnitudes can be reported daily because the country is located on the North American Plate, limited by the Cocos, Rivera and Pacific plates. If you want to know details such as, where was the epicenter and what magnitude was the last earthquake? Don’t worry, Gestión Mix shares all the information with you, thanks to the SSN.

  • What items should your emergency backpack contain for an earthquake in Mexico, according to the SSN?

It should be noted that the SSN is a department of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). This agency generates reports on the seismic activity of the national territory, which includes the magnitude, location and time of the earthquake, as well as its intensity. In addition, it issues seismic alerts along with the which are warning signals sent to registered users’ cell phones.

Tremor in Mexico today, January 31 – LIVE

Consult the official report of the earthquakes registered in Mexico today, Wednesday, January 31, 2024, via the SSN, with the exact time, epicenter and magnitude of the earthquakes, among others.

Why are there many earthquakes in Mexico?

The Mexican Republic is geologically characterized by its great seismic and volcanic activity. In the context of Plate Tectonics, Mexico is located in the so-called Ring of Fire, where a large part of the telluric movements worldwide are recorded. The country is located on the North American Plate, limited in its southern and western portion, by the Cocos, Rivera and Pacific plates.

What are the states of Mexico with the highest seismic activity?

The states with the highest seismic activity in Mexico are those located on the Pacific coast, where the limit of the Cocos tectonic plate with the North American and Caribbean plates is located. This area is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, and is one of the most active seismic zones in the world.

  • Chiapas
  • Guerrero
  • Oaxaca
  • Michoacan
  • Colima
  • Jalisco
  • Baja California

The National Seismological Service (SSN) classifies in this way the 3 risk factors for seismicity in the country: low, medium and high. (National Risk Registration / Cenapred Map)

Natural phenomena are unforeseen and often sudden events. For this reason, in this video we will explain the importance of having an emergency backpack to face emergencies caused by an earthquake. ABOUT THE AUTHOR

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