Tremor today in Chile LIVE Tuesday, February 20: magnitude, time and place of the last earthquake | National Seismological Center | The Caldera | Valparaiso | lbposting | ANSWERS

by time news


1.-Keep calm: The first thing you should do when faced with an earthquake is to stay calm and try not to panic. If you are in a building, do not run for doors or stairs, as there could be debris or broken glass in the way.

2.-Protect: If you are inside a building, seek shelter under a sturdy table, desk, or solid piece of furniture, and crouch in the fetal position. Stay away from windows, glass and falling objects.

3.-Evacuate: If you are in a tall building or in a coastal area, you may need to evacuate. Follow the instructions of local authorities and go to a safe, elevated location, away from the coast.

4.-Do not use elevators: In the event of an earthquake, do not use the elevators, as they may stop and be dangerous.

5.- Stay informed: After the earthquake, stay informed about alerts and instructions from local authorities. Also check for injuries or damage in your community.

6.-Prepare an emergency kit: It is important to have an emergency kit prepared in case of an earthquake or other emergency. This kit should include non-perishable food, drinking water, medications, flashlights, batteries, radio, mobile phone charger, among other essential items.

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