Trentini in South America: Applications now open for 30 scholarships for a wood sculpture course

by time news

TRENTOL’Association of Trentini in the world has opened the nominations for 30 scholarships aimed at adults residing in South America descendants of Trentino emigrants (possibly also Italian descendants in general) to participate in a wood sculpture course on the theme of the Nativity scene.
The course will be held online between September and October 2024 over a period of 6 weeks, for a total of 6 lessons of 2 hours each of online teaching. In November 2024, a phase of 8-hour in-person workshops is also planned in Argentina
Online lessons will take place on a Google Classroom platform and will be taught in Spanish and Italian.
The in-person phase will take place – at each student’s choice – in one of the following locations in Argentina, Villa Regina (Río Negro), Resistenza (Chaco), Avellaneda (Santa Fe).
The value of the Course is 400 euros for the complete course and 100 euros for the online course only.
The 30 scholarships will be distributed in the following order of priority: Descendants of Trentino emigrants; Descendants of Italian emigrants; Students enrolled in the project’s partner universities; Others.
The scholarship is 350 euros per student for the complete course and 80 euros per student for the online part only and includes: Participation in the online course; Participation in the in-person laboratory; Online teaching material; Accommodation for one night in the chosen location; Two meals (one lunch and one dinner) during the in-person phase.
Applications must be sent by completing the form provided at this link.

Trentini in South America: Applications now open for 30 scholarships for a wood sculpture course

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