Trentino Alto Adige: new rules for the mandates of mayors, here’s what will change – News

by times news cr

TRENTO. The regional council has approved the bill of the regional councilor for local authorities Franz Locher. The bill – in compliance with the recent jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court – provides for the transposition of the legislation in force at state level with the cancellation of the mandate limit in small municipalities of less than 5,000 inhabitants, the maintenance of the limit of three mandates in municipalities from 5,001 to 15,000 inhabitants, the introduction of a two-term limit for municipalities with more than 15,000 inhabitants and the cancellation of any term limit for the councilors of each municipality.

These are, in summary, the proposals of the bill containing urgent amendments to the Local Government Code presented by theregional assessor Franz Locher and approved by the regional council after also taking note of the opinions of the Consortia of the municipalities of Bolzano and Trento which also made requests to deviate from the national law.

“It is an act that must promptly start the legislative process to guarantee and give certain rules for the next electoral round in full respect of law and legal certainty – explained the President of the Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol Region Arno Kompatscher – with the elections set for May times are tight and we believe in this way we can speed up the legislative process while awaiting the decisions that will be taken by Palazzo Chigi. Once the Council of Ministers has made its decision on the statutory implementation rule, it will be the task of the Regional Council to put the new law on paper, translating the decisions taken into a regulatory text that can be applied in good time for the next elections .”

“On 4 May 2025, new municipal administrators will be elected in 111 municipalities in Alto Adige and 156 municipalities in Trentino – commented Franz Locher – Therefore we must already create the conditions or legal certainties to guarantee the regular conduct of the elections”.

2024-10-02 08:01:23

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