TRENTO. Numerous minor injuries, cars seriously damaged but the worst in the collision were two dogs who were in the trunk of one of the two cars and who died as a result of the injuries sustained following the accident. The incident happened on the night between Saturday and Sunday in via Barbacovi in Trento.
Two cars collided with a strong side impact. It appears to have been caused by a failure to give way near the intersection. Those who were in the cars suffered various bruises but managed to get out of the cockpits with their legs. Severe damage to infrastructure, with a signal pole knocked down and a pavement protection railing uprooted and bent to the ground.
If the people did not suffer serious injuries, this was not the case for the two poor poodles who died following the impact, trapped in the sheet metal at the rear of the vehicle.
The firefighters, 118 to treat the case and the police to carry out the investigations intervened on site.