Tres oros for the Basque national team in the CIJB World Cup in Alzira

by time news

The Euskal selekzioa women’s team has beaten Valencia in two World Cup finals organized by the International Hand Ball Confederation (CIJB) in Alzira. The men’s title in Valencian pelota against Ecuador has completed the day, so the harvest has increased to three gold medals.

In international play, a modality in which the teams face each other on an artificial grass field, the quintet made up of Miren Larrarte, Naroa Agirre, Olatz Arrizabalaga, Amaia Aldai and Ainhoa ​​Ruiz de Infante beat the local team 6-3 .

A few hours later, Naroa Agirre, Olatz Arrizabalaga and Ainhoa ​​Ruiz de Infante repeated their victory with a clear 21-7 victory in the Valencian ball final.

Miren Larrarte from Bidania and Naroa Agirre from Zesto are the Gipuzkoan representatives of a team completed by Leire Garai, Enara Gaminde and Olatz Ruiz de Larramendi, three pelotaris who have not had the opportunity to participate in this Wednesday’s session.

Lastly, the trio made up of Gaizka Iruretagoiena from Asteas and Oier Hormaetxe and Egoitz Amantegi from Biscay overwhelmed the Ecuadorian pelota players.

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