Alex Marangon, The 26-year-old young Venetian who had been missing since Saturday night was found lifeless in the Piave. After almost three days of searching by air and land, at 2.30 pm the Drago 149 helicopter of the Fire Brigade spotted the outline of a lifeless body on an island in the river Piave. When they lured him, the firefighters discovered that he was the missing young man and took the body to the Montebelluna morgue.
The research place
Marangan, who lived in Marcon (Venice) four kilometers from the Monastery of Vidor Santa Bona (Treviso) where he went last Saturday for a Zen evening. The prosecutor on duty Giovanni Valmassoi that he has arranged an external shore inspection and only then will a decision be made whether to continue with other analyses. In the last few days the commanding carabinieri of the province of Treviso, Vittorio Veneto and Montebelluna; Treviso firefighters and the Civil Defense searched tirelessly for the young man. The parents, who were informed, did not rest, as the friends did. The dynamics of his disappearance are not yet clear. It appears that the boy’s body showed signs of a wound on the abdomen and swelling in the eye, but only a forensic medical examination will shed light on the causes.
Discovery of the body
The Abbey looks over the Piave, but why Marangan – a boy who was a seasonal bartender in Trentino, sporty and eager to live, as friends and family say – discovered that a mystery still exists. His mobile phone was found in the room where he was supposed to stay after the Zen meeting and the house keys and documents were left in his car. Now the Treviso prosecutor’s office will decide how to proceed.