Tricks used by the Chinese to live longer!!!

by time news

Living longer does not mean living healthier. It is important to keep your mind and body young and active. The Chinese people surprise us by achieving these goals. For example, a Chinese woman is believed to have lived 135 years, which is truly impressive. So in this post we will see what is the strategy they use to live longer.

Swimming in cold water:
Liu Yelin, a popular Chinese blogger, is famous for looking 30 years old. He is now 50. Apart from exercising every day, he also recommends swimming in cold water.

Focusing on the Chinese body clock:
Of course, it’s important to pay careful attention to what you eat. But what time you eat according to the Chinese body clock is also important.

Lunch should be taken between 11 am and 1 pm. and should consist of heavy, warm foods with whole grains. Dinner should be served between 5 and 7 pm. Kidneys are very active at this time. Therefore, fried meat and fish are allowed during this time.

They live together with family
Traditions, family and social ties are considered important. Multigenerational families often live together. They have morning tea together every morning. Although they live separately, it is traditional to meet and spend time together at least once a week.

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