Trini Tinturé, pioneer of illustration, wins the Barcelona Comic Grand Prix

by time news

The veteran cartoonist Trini Tinturé (Lérida, 1935), a pioneer in illustration and a leading figure in comics for girls in Spain between the 1960s and 1980s, was honored yesterday with the Barcelona Comic Grand Prix.

Tinturé, a cartoonist for series such as ‘Emma is charming’ and a contemporary of Purita Campos and Carme Barbarà, collected the award accompanied by her daughter and celebrating the recognition of “an entire generation of female comic book artists, many of them self-taught, in a difficult time”. like the Spanish postwar.

The Catalan cartoonist takes over from Daniel Torres,winner of the last edition and of which you can see this year an extensive and detailed exhibition that delves into his creative process from a hundred originals.

The jury of the Comic Barcelona Awards, made up of the illustrator Ana Miralles, the cartoonist David Muñoz, the journalist and film critic Desirée De Fez, the scriptwriter and professor Iván Pintor Iranzo and the cartoonist and scriptwriter Teresa Valero, also awarded the Award for the best work published in Spain to ‘Transitory’, by Nadar (Astiberri), and the award for the best foreign work published in Spain to ‘Listen, beautiful Márcia’, by Marcello Quintanilha (Astiberri).

‘Eating with fear’, by Elisabeth Karin Pavón Rymer-Rythén, was recognized as the best comic for children and youth, while the award for best fanzine went to ‘Neodimio’ from the VV.AA publishing house.

Cartoonist Manuel Romero, who this week won the Spanish Comic Critics and Disseminators Association award for Emerging Author for his work on ‘Goya. Saturnalia’, also won the Miguel Gallardo Award for revelation author. For his part, ‘Persona Normal’, by Manuel Álvarez (Fandogamia), won the award by popular vote.

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